whatarush wrote
I don’t have peacock. So I DVR them on Monday from CNBC. That last Rd was a crash fest. I’m starting to wonder if Sexton can get through a race without hitting the ground?
I’m with you on the record thing.
We have dish. I just set it and record them.
Not the same as live but, beats a blank.
Same with motogp.
I just might buy the motogp package this year.
There are a few other sites that I’m on, where guys
post real time when MX/SX is live. It’s enjoyable.
I tell you whatarush, myself and OldIron watched Daytona,
the car thing. It’s pretty cool, adds another dimension to it
when there are others involved real time.
As far as Sexton, a lot of the great ones went thru crashitis
early on, or when they moved up a class.
Sexton, he’s the young guy, he’s not been in the 450 class
that long. Imo, he will get over it, and barring anything really bad, is the next big thing.
Come to think of it, the only guy that never really got hurt,
was probably the best to date.
The only time I remember Jeremy McGrath missing a race was when he cut his foot pretty bad on a broken beer bottle at Lake Havasue.
And that was on a Tuesday partying.
Ya. Jeremy. The King. Did it on talent pretty much.
It ain’t fair. That’s for sure. Some guys just have it.
He hated working out, training.
Look at the stats. I think Tomac just hit 40.
And he’s getting ready to retire.
Some say McGraths record will never be broken.

Hell, for awhile there he took it mainstream.
I mean, nobody’s done that.