Blackwater 100

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Blackwater 100

Ever hear of this event Grado?[0]=AZXV-FP09Y3lkNppaUfNtbGtXudpYwvpoSRN230ZWCFF5ScNaf-U-h2AlLkW3Lv5htiv12bUgS13w0xX_fl5Ytz-ZDM-wbiD-bH_ZF3CLs9c30CN_R5tOqrBeSAvyb5ZZkxPqmhOd8XcXD9OxkT8JKngnWvSq07RAnH_07FL9l3ZfPhFxMaLNctdRJq5nrZuyZJ8X5GTc8VodI_RBMJonmFM32Q-rjh_4gniL5EPRre-gQ&__tn__=EH-R
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Re: Blackwater 100


Ya.  It’s about 1/2 hour from me.  

Something is going on with that.  
An event, a movie, something.

Guys are so secretive some times.  
I’ve heard rumors, but haven’t really paid attention

Look on maps, it’s right around the towns of Davis and Thomas.  I think the black water creek or river goes right along the edge of where they ran those events.

Kinda surprised if they run an event, I thought all that land was owned by the State, as a park.  

Some really good road riding around there.  
Thomas, Davis, really one town they are so close.
They have a big highway that feeds DC and Virginia to that area.  Hot area as far as property goes <quote author="m143">
Ever hear of this event Grado?[0]=AZXV-FP09Y3lkNppaUfNtbGtXudpYwvpoSRN230ZWCFF5ScNaf-U-h2AlLkW3Lv5htiv12bUgS13w0xX_fl5Ytz-ZDM-wbiD-bH_ZF3CLs9c30CN_R5tOqrBeSAvyb5ZZkxPqmhOd8XcXD9OxkT8JKngnWvSq07RAnH_07FL9l3ZfPhFxMaLNctdRJq5nrZuyZJ8X5GTc8VodI_RBMJonmFM32Q-rjh_4gniL5EPRre-gQ&