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Does anyone of you guys have any suggestions on good coveralls/jumpsuit for garage use.
I've thrashed to many jeans through the years.

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Re: Coveralls.

I’m wearing a pair of Craftsman insulated coveralls right now.
I started wearing them to step in and out of for the ride to work, as we weren’t supposed to wear our uniforms in public off the clock.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Coveralls.

I didn't know Craftsman made suits.
Did a Google search. Ebay has some but the Sears website wouldn't work..
Is there still Sears available?

I have a department store insulated suit I bought over 30 years ago when I was a greens keeper that I use for exterior winter work and the occasional ride.
It has held up through a couple years of golf course shop equipment maintenance/repair, 17 winters of glass installation and a winter of building my house.
I hadn't realized how long I have had it until just now.

It's sturdy and warm but I'd like to get something less warm for the garage. I usually turn the heat on a couple hours before I go to work

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Re: Coveralls.

You wore out your jeans ? Lol.
Man u must be pretty ruff on them.
Bib overalls are as good as anything else
But I guess they are made same as Jeans.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.