That's pretty impressive!
As teenagers a buddy and I borrowed his dad's Morris 1000 Traveller (station wagon). We drove from pub to pub and managed to run over a jack rabbit on the way, we threw the rabbit in the back of the car to gut and eat later.
After several pubs and lots of beers we decided to drive the car down a stream, just to see if it would do it.
The stream became deeper, and deeper, until the radiator fan picked up the water and soaked the distributor and brought us to a stop. We got out of the car to investigate, which immediately let all the water into the interior of the car when we opened the doors.
("slamming" the doors after we got out didn't help!). Up to our knees in water, we dried out the distributor and managed to back our way out of the stream.
We returned home, delivered the car, and walked away, completely forgot about the jackrabbit, now soaked in the back of the car, and forgot about it all. My buddy's father didn't notice the soaked interior, but he did notice the rotting jack rabbit in the back of the car a few days later!!!!
Ah, the innocence/stupidity/selfishness of youth!
