I like the 2 gal tank.
Scooting around town and even some cow trailing with whst I read somebody say well over 100 miles on a tankful ,
One is bound to leave Egas in the tank while waiting for tge next buzz . Best to run fresh gas as much as possible.
The 34 “ seat height does not make sense to me.
I mean the bike may be skinny enuff that 34 is misleading as to feet flat . But my problem is getting my leg over .
So we will have to see. Keeping in mind this is the L version!

As to used , you don’t see them around here. Or even new
I have never seen one. Even at the dealers.
The fact they go for more than I can likely get for any of my riders is also a tuff deal to justify .
But I can see I am going to have to go with a smaller bike to get much riding in the future
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.