Mike Hailwood Movie

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Mike Hailwood Movie

There is a movie in the works about Mike Hailwood in the works.

No release date yet.


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Re: Mike Hailwood Movie

His return to the IOM in '78 was absolutely amazing, but his whole racing career was equally or more amazing. The man was completely unbelievable to watch, he was talented beyond belief, it was like you couldn't believe your eyes when you watched him race, he was so smooth, so effortless, he made it look so easy, while all the while breaking records. I am honored to have seen him race.
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Re: Mike Hailwood Movie

Here is an interesting account from one of Mike's early belles.


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Re: Mike Hailwood Movie

Thanks for the heads-up about the movie, and thanks Allred for the link!
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Re: Mike Hailwood Movie


This thread wouldn't be complete without a pic............
