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I'm pretty sure I had it last year, right after Christmas. Before they had a name for it. I'm in and out of a lot of places. A lot of my work is in a college town, people from all over coming and going. Well, by New Years Donna got it. It kicked my ass for 2 months. The doctor said something was going around, but they did not know what it was. I lived on pinapple juice and aspirins. Worked thru it. Probally gave it to a few thousand people. There were 2 days, maybe 2 weeks in, my chest felt like it had cement in it. One of those nights, laying on my back, I had a hard time getting air, to the point of thinking hell, this feels like it could kill me. I really think it was the keeping on with work, working up a sweat and breathing hard a few times a day that helped me. I mean, I'd carry a jug of freon around to a guy's back yard and be gasping for air, totally winded, for 5 minutes. But then, after catching my breath, I felt a lot better. It took a good 2 months, Donna it was 3, March I think it was, before we kicked it. As soon as I could, I got the J&J. Along with a second one 6 months later. Since then, no problems. I have an older brother, had 2 modernas, went in for heard surgery last month, and tested positive with heavy symptoms 5 days later. Be careful out there. Live life, but for sure don't think you're immune, no matter what. |
Man guys, I'm sorry you've had to deal with this evil virus. Stupid thing has been running rapid around these parts. Seems every day the hospitals are getting hit with more and more folks with it. We've had a few guys at work get it as well. One of the guys ended up in the hospital Sunday night. He has other health issues so it sure didn't help.
It's weird how it effects so many people in so many different ways. My 80 year old pops got it last year and he just felt week one day. But he is as healthy as a horse. Has always lead a clean life. A couple of my brothers have had it and it was more like a flu of sorts. The company I do dialysis at as a few other clinics in the area. If a patent comes down with the virus they have to go to a different clinic that is a covid clinic. Friday alone 40 new patients showed up at their door. Now they have way more patents than they have machines and nurses. The good news, if there can be, is this new variant seems to come and go pretty quickly. Most people seem to be up and running in five days or so. Makes me wonder if the virus is weakening and eventually will be just another flu of sorts. Wife and I, both vaxxed with the two moderna's (no boost), have been fortunate not to have it. Of course we pretty much are hermits except going to work. A couple months ago we finally decided to start going back to church after hiding on the couch for the last couple years. Pews aren't empty but we have no problem sitting by ourselves. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer. It's a habit I got into after my kidney transplant years ago. I'm glad you guys made it through and I'm looking forward to the day we see Allred back on here telling us how he made it through. Stay safe friends. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
For real, pullin for Allred. |
Allred has a lot of my headspace these days.
I feel a need to have more Allred in my life.
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My daughter badgered me into flying to the northwest between Christmas and New Years.
I knew I shouldn't go, kept telling her I didn't want to get sick at all, but they said they would come south and it's endemic and not that bad and we're all going to get it anyway...... So I thought I'd let the sketchy weather and Delta's threat of cancelling the flight make the decision. Naturally, Delta got us there before snow and ice and covid-crews started cancelling all out-bounds. A long multi-stop journey home Wednesday with some fatigue, likely from sleeping on a bed that my spine is not familiar with, right? Yeah. That's it. And then the next day spending 10 hours at the former in-laws house waiting with them for mortuary to lift their ancient Mom up and away off her hospice bed in the front room. All to wake up Friday with that thought, "hey... is this a.. cold?" To New Years Day saying 'this is a small cold,' and with all those people I've been with, I gotta get tested. So mount up the Buell and start trolling the testing sites, because it's New Years Day and no one is answering the phone anywhere ... "Please leave your name and number and we'll call..." Many closed, then found one. No line. Got tested. "When do I get the results?" "One to two days." Well, hell. I need to know now. More trolling, and I come across a pop-up site that's just setting up. 20 people in line. The young folk in front of me breeze through the cell phone sign-up. I struggle. The elderly couple behind me can't make it work. Get swabbed. "When do I get the results?" "15 to 30 minutes." Tuck my phone into the leather coat and see the line swelled to at least a hundred in 15 minutes. Ride home and a late sunny New Years afternoon. Park in the drive. Pull out the phone while the Buell whirrs away with its cooling fan. "Results: Positive."
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So I call all, and warn everyone with apologies.
Especially the guy who says he won't get it, because "I get tested every Monday..." Sunday morning, not that bad. Video chat with the kids, feeling alright. Until early afternoon, when chills and rigor and body pain arrive. Just curl up on the recliner under a blanket with one eye slit-open on the Packer-Viking game. Monday - much better. Oddly, both fatigued and energized. Tuesday - quite a bit better. Wednesday - back at work in a slow and isolated way. The fatigue waves come further and further apart and stay for a shorter time. The exposure to symptom times seems bizarre. I can't really figure it out. It's almost like, for me, covid had a very long trigger. And under it all, I've been nursing an abscessed tooth for months waiting for the surgeon. I just got some antibiotics kicked out due to worry over sepsis. Those fatigue symptoms were building again this weekend. Either long covid or face rot. I'm feeling even better today, so i wonder if I really had a very asymptomatic case with a bacterial infection. Could be worse. Could be raining.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
“It’s raining here.” Replied Abby Normal. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
As I sit here in the post procedure dermatologist waiting room waiting for a chunk of my flesh to be inspected, socially distant from other waiters who speak with muffled voices through the blue paper coverings, I can’t help but ponder of how I miss the days when we could sit next to other people and have a conversation.
I miss the days when we could go to the store without a mask on and not be looked at like an axe murderer. I miss the days when we could get in to see a dentist without a health screening. I miss the days of visiting friends in person. I even miss the days of business meetings that were face to face in a job trailer. Most of all I miss the days of when we only had motorcycles to discuss. When will this be over? When will we even see a light at the end of this tunnel? Some days are hard to choose joy but we must choose it. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Those are good words, Man. I miss all of that, too. I didn't know how much I took value in the small daily conversations with wait-staff, counter people and passing co-workers until it all stopped during the first months of covid. Chose Joy and hang a light on the future.
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In reply to this post by Mad4TheCrest
Thank you, sir! I'm lucky so far, though now I wonder if long-covid is digging in or I'm just getting a small step-up in the continuing trend of old-age. So much to wonder about, but it all works out the same.
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Indeed, there are Ace-2 receptors all over the body, it's been disturbingly interesting to see how covid tears into each of my co-workers.
Various points of the respiration system. Nerves. Circulation. Intestinal. One of the younger people, the Supercross-spectating woman, looked a little off on Tuesday at Start Work. "Yah. I feel a little funny. Got a sore throat, too. Sneeze sometimes." Did you get a test? "I couldn't find one." Well, you should just consider yourself positive. You got all the hallmarks. Just stay away from everyone until you get a test. I told her about a guy I know who tested positive for a week and then ended up with covid and an incredible sore throat. Now she's out with that massive sore throat. Thanks for the tip on anti-inflammitories. ![]()
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Got second booster two weeks ago.
Same milage - sore arm for a few days. Have to fly soon.
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You know the first time around my dialysis clinic was threatening us with no entry without the shots and were even giving them to us.
Now, no mention. Just keep your mask on during your “oil changes”. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
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