The Vermont Loophole is no more.

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The Vermont Loophole is no more.

For folks who get their kicks out of bringing abandoned motorcycles to life Vermont was the go to state to get your bike a title, no matter where you lived because there was a loophole that made it possible to get untitled bikes titled.
Unfortunately this also made it possible for stolen vehicles to get titles.

Vermont has now closed that loophole.

I wonder if we will see more abandoned bikes now end up in scrapyards.

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Re: The Vermont Loophole is no more.

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I never went that route.
The Vermont thing that is.

But I've heard about it for years.  

It's a 2 edged sword, those title laws.  Some guys bitch about them, but still defend them.

Thing is, if you have a collection, and your bikes are all titled, that collection it is more valuable than the next guys that isn't.
Plus, it kind of protects the bikes you have from theft.
To many, a bike without title is worthless.  
Why bother stealing it.  

That being said, if you've ever messed with buying and selling at all, you know how easy it is for that pristine white boat tail sitting in a dead guys basement to not have a title laying around.
The wife is living in Winter City Fla. and can't be bothered.
Or, there is no wife.  
And the title for that boattail can't be found in that sea of personal papers the dead guy left in that back bedroom.

No matter how much the relatives, that really cared about him 🙄look.

And so another one is scrapped, or parted out, for pennies on the dollar.

The real deals might get noticed, squirreld away to eventually find themselves in a private collection or museum.  They become little more than paintings, or statues, whose only purpose is to be looked at.

From what I understand, in many states, one can still, I think it's called petition the court
to award a title. You take what papers you can get, maybe hire a lawyer, and go before your local judge or magistrate and plead your case. Some states, that judge can order the DMV to create a title.
But, this takes time, effort and money.  

You'd think, if the frame or case numbers don't show up on whatever list the state police
use, the bike would be good for title.

But alas, that ain't how it is.  
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Re: The Vermont Loophole is no more.

depending on the state. ct used to be great. but now one would have to bring the bike to the main DMV in Wethersfield to get a vin check and safety inspection. you will have to bring some kind of proof how you got the bike. i believe there is affidavit of ownership form. basically a the same procedure as a home built motorcycle.
whether or not they will allow one to register the bike as what it is, or issue new Ct assigned vin, idk.
there also used to be a bonded title deal.

many states dont issue titles for old stuff. many as in Ct , want current registrations . good luck with that!
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