Thoughts of selling out.

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Thoughts of selling out.


So, as some of you guys know, I’ve got 2 80s era cb 750s.
And an 82 450 Gs Suzuki.  

At this point in time, only my 79 750 runs.  

I’ve also got a ‘75 250 Montesa Enduro.
But that’s not in the equation.

A friend had a guy pass away about a year ago, he lived maybe an hour from us.  
He collected in his later years.

Anyway, the kids are now licking their chops and are maneuvering to sell the old guys stuff.

In the mix is a Moto Guzzi.
2022 with under 200 miles on it.
A V7.  I believe it’s an 850.  
Not the sport bike version, the standard looking bike.  

Now, at first I thanked my buddy for thinking about me.
And kinda blew it off.

But, riding around in my little van I started to think about it.

Do I really feel like wrenching on what I have, never really getting any of them 100%?

No.  I will, but the thrill of doing the garage till 2 am for a few weeks on them, I just ain’t feeling it.  

I really just feel like riding.  

I’ve always noticed the Guzzis in the media.
I know, it’s kinda a quirky bike.
I’ve seen one in like 5 years out there.
I’ve never ridden one.
I’ve been told you can feel the torque of the sideways motor pull the bike over a bit when you grab a handful.
It’s unusual.
And quite frankly, there might be the appeal.

$4,000.00 it can be had for.

I could fire sale the 3 I have, sitting there taking up space,
and get a good running low miles bike that’s ready to go.
And not spend any, or very little, money.
Currently it’s sitting in the old guys living room.

I have great memories with the 79.  
But, it’s a super sport.
It’s not the most comfortable bike to ride.

I dunno.   I’m conflicted.

Do I stay or do I go?
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Re: Thoughts of selling out.


This is a pic off the internet of a 2022 v7.
I don’t know what the color of the one I’ve got a shot at is.

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Re: Thoughts of selling out.

Excellent question...

FWIW, I rode one of the V7s at Austin last year.

Stock, it's not a HP machine.
And it's somewhat awkward and crude in its lyout and performance,
But what you said about 'feeling' the engine? ... Yeah, that's there a lot of Personality.

I would love to get one and start doing stuff to it.

Hopefully, you get a chance to at least feel it run.
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Re: Thoughts of selling out.


Thanks for the input OIron.

What about hand vibration?
Did you notice your hands when u got off it?
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Re: Thoughts of selling out.

In reply to this post by oldironnow
Tuff question to answer. Selling a bike with great memories or buying another and making new ones.
There’s something about riding a familiar bike that just seems right but having a turn key bike is nice. Insert key, hit the button and hit the road knowing no matter where you go you’ll get back home on the same two wheels.

An odd Guzzi would be kind of cool.

Oldiron made a good suggestion. Give the bike a check see and hopefully a test ride. It might just give you the answer you’re looking for.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Thoughts of selling out.

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
Thanks for the input OIron.

What about hand vibration?
Did you notice your hands when u got off it?
It was a very short ride. Maybe 20 minutes.

I seem to remember really feeling the engine torquing - I had to make a dab the first time I revved it.

As for as the hands, if i recall correctly, it was a really low-frequency vibration. More like something that's shaking your arms around. It's like a small beast.

I thought that I would work on the suspension, front and back, and get some good compliance and more ground clearance.

Open up the exhaust.  

I would want some rearsets.

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Re: Thoughts of selling out.

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I'd throw some bags on it and ride to Daytona.
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Re: Thoughts of selling out.


Thanks for the input guys.

Think I’m gonna call my friend tomorrow,
see what’s up.