It's Winter Solstice
at our calm little Cyclevisor pond just off the busy highway of life,
off in the weeds, beyond the verge and behind the pines,
with a willow along the far edge...
It's a perfect place to surreptitiously push the motorcycle and set up a night's camp. Somewhere between James Bronson and Motorized Thoreau.
Here's to all of us riding - literally and figuratively - this year's sunlight-march towards summer.
I hope with every day, there's more light and more joy and more happiness in all of our changed lives.
There's also the Great Conjunction this evening in the hour after sunset. A meeting this close between Jupiter and Saturn last happened in 1226.
Check it out, and then check in each night to watch them slide apart.
I've been watching them approach each other since spring, and it's been fun to force the mind to feel the scale of true distance between them.
They are roughly (actually, grossly) 500 million miles apart, and the math I did in summer suggest Jupiter was 1900 times the distance from the earth to the Moon, and Saturn was 3800 times that same cosmic spark plug gap.
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.