Such a perfect day for a ride.............forecast is for 100 degrees by this afternoon so I set off at 10am this morning in a perfect 80 degrees.
I don't ride my bike as much as I should so it felt absolutely fabulous to be out with the wind in my face, albeit behind a full-face visored helmet! I defied the ATGATT rules and, apart from the helmet, foolishly just wore sandals, sweatpants and a tee-shirt! I rode a combination of narrow country lanes with long sweeping bends, some with tighter bends, some freeway riding, some out-in-the-boonies roads that could definitely benefit from some repair, some wide roads with high speed curves and then made mt way back through the same combinations. Just over 100 miles in total and 92 degrees when I returned. On the way out the wind was at my back, and therefore in my face on the way back, but it was minor. Most of the miles were sub-80mph, but I did venture to 105mph when a ordinary silver sedan tried to beat me up a freeway on ramp. As I neared home I traveled a favorite piece of road and rode like I was 18 again, doing my best Hailwood/Rossi impersonations! Sigh, I am so pleased that I have been a motorcyclist all these years. . |
Well, went over to the storage place and pulled my 82 k model I bought last year.
Made up a list to get started on it, get it up and running. I dunno, it just seems so much bigger than my 79ss. The seat, the tank, the wide standard style handlebars, I mean it seems huge. Thought it had a 9k on the clock, but the odometer says just over 6. Front brake lever is frozen. Back brake works. Paint, someone spilled some acetone or something on the tank and it dribbled down on one of the side overs. Bubbled the paint. That's gonna have to wait. There's a good bit of that white powder corrosion on the right side case covers. I dunno what I can do with that. The tank has some rust in it, but not too bad. I got the keys working everything with a liberal use of wd 40. I'm thinking pick up a battery this week. See if it turns over at least. Pull and clean the tank. See if I can salvage the front brake lever stuck thing. Put one of those clear plastic inline fuel filters in the fuel line. The 79 tank, someone creamed the inside, and until I put one of those fuel filters in it would screw with the float valves after a month or 2. The 79, it needs a rest, it needs some attention. It's been my only runner since, I dunno, 2012. My neighbor knows where there is a brand new, still in the crate engine for it. It sold for like 300 at an auction we were at maybe 5 years ago. Wish I would have bought it then. I get the 82 running, I think I'm gonna take the 79 off the road for the summer. Ya, the 82, it seems huge. But, it's low miles. Comfy seat. Feels like I'm in a living room chair when I sit on it. Who knows, I've always wanted to pull a few long haul rides........ Oh, and I gotta figure out how I'm gonna tell Donna, well, I've got another bike........ I get the above done, I'm gonna throw a gallon of 93 o tans in it and see what happens. |
Washed last falls bugs off,,, only because we got stuck in a storm last Sunday.
![]() Feel’s good to have it clean again. I woke up early this morning to wax the car. Gonna take the Iron for a short putt then throw some attention at the Softail Canvas. Clean up the forks and give it some new rubber. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
In reply to this post by Allred
“Can I get a witness!?” “Amen!” . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
In reply to this post by motogrady
Road reports from Life With an 82 Honda would be cooler than the other side of the pillow. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
It’s been a little busy in the Doublefat garage.
After getting the exhaust on the Iron I dug up an air filter assembly that I had laying around. ![]() I like the style and the size,, no more knee banging. Not sure about the finish. My have to put some grill paint on it and throw it in the oven for a bit. Jury is still out on it. I also installed a Cobra Fi2000 fuel management thingie. It comes from the factory set for slip ons but gives directions on what adjustments are needed for a two into one with a open air cleaner. It has three “pots” to turn with a tiny flathead screwdriver that richens or leans the fuel. I adjusted it to their instructions and took it out for a run. After about 10 miles the engine light came on. I pulled over and Googled check engine light on Harley and found out how to run a diagnostic right there on the side of the road by playing with the trip meter and the key. ![]() P0132 indicates a rich front O2 sensor. So I dialed down the tuner halfway between factory and the directed settings, cleared the codes out and rode on. The next day the engine light came on again and I got a P0132 code which indicated a lean sensor. So I dialed it back up just a smidge. So far no engine light has popped up. I know carbs sound better and are cheaper to rejet than buying a fuel management system but not having to pull a carb off and apart to rejet has its benefits. After getting that all situated my attention went to The Canvas Softail for some much needed rubber. Meaty is good. ![]() When I pulled the wheels it was obvious that the bearings have not been done in awhile. Looked like someone had used the bike to cross the mighty Mississippi without a bridge. Normally I change my own tires using spoons but with dialysis three days a week, work and yard stuff I waved the white flag and took them to the indi shop and had them do the tires, tubes, bearings and check end play. While I had the wheels off I took the opportunity to clean up the 24 year old fork legs that looked like they haven’t been touched in 20 of those years. I wet sanded them with 400 and 2000 grit and then hit them with some Mothers and my buffing wheel. Look a lot better now. Tonight after work I got to enjoy a bit of the fruit of my labor. ![]() Next thing I need to do is fluid changes on The Canvas then a rear tire on The Glide. My have to wave the white flag again on that one too. I don’t like paying the extra money but with time being short and it being so easy to just drop the wheel off and pick it up later it is getting easier to drop down the dead presidents. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Decide I wanted a bit of wind/rain protection on the Iron but I didn’t want a big-O windshield or one of those black fairings that HD puts out so I made my own out of some leftover Makrolan polycarbonate.
![]() ![]() . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
That's admirable!
Clean! Tight! I bet you get asked to make them. Where'd you source the brackets?
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
The brackets came from EBay . I think they were ten bucks for a pair. If I had my way they would be less the the tabs that stick out and would have a threaded hole in the clamp area. I may modify these if it keeps bugging me. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
It's been a weird year so far weather-wise in Northern California, we have had more rain than usual, we have had cooler than usual temperatures, we are approaching the longest day and it hasn't really got hot yet.
Temps have bounced from the 70s to the mid-90s over the last 2 or 3 months, with occasional thunderstorms and high winds in-between, and now finally we are getting the predictable hot weather usual for this time of the year, temps of 110 degrees are forecast for the weekend and on, so maybe I should take advantage of the current 80 degrees and ride over the next few days. |
Yes,, yes you should. Get out and enjoy.
Our temps have been unusually cool. It’s mid June and it is 59 degrees in the A.M. I’ve not stopped wearing a hoodie yet on my rides into work. We did have a lot of rain for the spring. More than usual. Not enough to get major flooding but it’s been rainless for a bit. My car hasn’t been uncovered for a week. ![]() I even got the old Fatboy out for a few days to get it’s juices flowing. Man I love that bike. ![]() Last night I did the first oil change on the Iron. We’re bonded now. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
I was gonna, but this morning it was windy, like really windy. Had to fold up all our shade umbrellas on the back patio, and then ended up spending part of the day mowing, mostly weeds, at this time of the year there is little grass left but the weeds seem to thrive! That is a nice looking Fatboy! . |
![]() I've been pondering and living with an odd loose condition on turn in. Something that at first set off alarms in the inner ear. But as the miles went on this last month, I kind of got used to it. It even made cornering deeper and more fun. But it seems to be getting more loose, and this will end poorly. So I'm disassembling and checking bearings and searching for the loose bit. The wheel bearings seem tiiiiight. I can barely move them. No apparent slop. I can feel a tiny 'thump' at one spot of the rear when I hold the axle in my hands and spin the wheel. The swingarm doesn't seem to have any play All the tie bars feel tight. It may be be the front isolator. Now, the rear tire is worn. So maybe I will replace those bearings and get a new Michelin. So how it goes.
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I’ve seen Buells on Craigslist that look like yours current condition for sale really cheap.
I’m glad yours won’t be modeling on Craigslist any time soon. I’m interested in what you find as the fix. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
110 degrees my motorcycle is under its flannel sheet cover in the garage!
110 degrees!? Yikes.
Sippin mint juleps I hope. The sky as been unfavorable for riding round these parts today. Not sure if it’s because of the dust from Africa or rain clouds so I finally put the speakers around the pool that I bought off a Craigslist add like two or three years ago. No need to rush into anything. ![]() . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
![]() I had to break down and add forward controls to the Iron. Harley made changes to the XL frame in 2014. I’m thinking one of the changes was the seat to peg dimensions was shortened. I felt cramped with the stock mid mounts which is hard to believe. I did not feel cramped on the 05 Sportster that Doughboy now owns. Harley offers a set of further forward mid mounts for 20014 and up that I would of liked to try but I would of had to buy new and I wasn’t for sure if they would fit with my pipe. These forward controls I bought used for half the price of new and I knew they would fit. I thought the reach would be to much but it’s just right. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
It took longer than the shop suggested, but the bearings got swapped and I got the wheels back on Friday, and the bike finally buttoned up Saturday. (I almost made it before leaving for work, but time was so short that I didn't want to run brutally short and then have a mechanical on the way in.)
The guy running the shop is down to just himself and his bride. There used to be at least one other wrench there, but the owner told me he can't work in a mask - claustrophobic. So I guess that means he can't have other mechanics there There are many bikes in his queue. Almost two weeks for bearings seems quite realistic, especially since it's an independent BMW shop with a large clientele. A test ride on errands in town and a brisk run over Hecker Pass and back didn't show that mid-corner instability I was feeling. Maybe we're good to go. Next will be a new rear tire and after another 5K, new fork juice and seals. ![]() ![]() ![]() ***
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
Is that a typewriter?
You’re such a barbarian. ![]() Those blue wheels look fantastic. Every time I see a blue XB9 I want one. I test rode one back when HD pulled the plug and the dealer’s were dumping them. I wasn’t comfortable with all my weight on my wrist so I passed. I should of looked more into options. Would of, should of, could of. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
I still get compliments for its level of gorgeous,
even though, some will note that it does not have the 'allred quality' of clean that it once did. I bought it on that fire-sale whim of a Sunday in 2010. The shop was packed with riders - everyone standing around shoulder-to-shoulder. Sales people were sprinting about. The big grill is cranking out BBQ outside the shop. I always wanted a Buell, and here it was all ending. Feeling both casually wealthy and melancholy, I made some semi-ridiculous offers to the sales guy who latched onto me, and he was disappearing and reappearing with negative reviews from the sales manager. Finally, I said "How's about all eights?" "What do you mean?" he said. "Here'" I said, reaching across the little table for the pen in his hand. "Lemme show you. All... eights..." I say, carefully writing out $8888.88 on his bid sheet. "Out the door." He came back this time and said "you got a good deal." Which likely means, not, but that"s how I ended up as caretaker of a Buell 984, mostly dirty wrinkle black with some killer 'Hero Blue' accents. The irony, though, is that I WANTED one of the 1125 Superbikes that didn't run very well. They went on sale for $5000 the very next day..... Evidence of a 'grime...' ![]()
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