Re: 2020 Motogp League.

Posted by motogrady on

I maybe see an engineer's hand in that printing, MG.  Very clear.

Ha, Back in Baltimore/Maryland I used to have to run these heat/cool loss calculations for a lot of jobs I did as a contractor.  Permits required them.
I’d sit for hours in the evenings, adding, multiplying, load sheets off floor plans, doing that crap for people that never looked at them.

Now, here in WV, I look at a job, decide what I think will work, quote it that way and poof, they wanna dance, we dance.  

Really, keeping tabs with the league is not that hard.

Now, if it was different riders for everyone at every event, that could get a bit more intense.  The guys that run those,
and there are a lot of em out there, must have some kind of system, probably and app I would think, to keep it straight.  
Especially the larger leagues.

I’ve never looked, but I’ve heard Motogp has a league with hundreds of people on it.
Jeez, how could one keep a handle on that.