Re: 2021 Motogp League

Posted by motogrady on


Was thinking the same same thing. Pretty sure I'm gonna grab him for one of my guys.

Half empty.
Quart.  Did not last last year.
Zarco.   Big disappointment on my team last year.
Mir. Is he real, or was it just win by default.
Miller.  Crasher.
Rossi.  When does age finally win the battle.
Rins.  See Binder.
Vinales. See Quart.
Petrucci.  KTM....not yet.
Marini.  Rookie.
Morbidelli.  Hummmmm...satellite team.
Mm.  Bird with broken wing no fly too high.
Alex M. Satellite team.
Bastianini.  Rookie
Lecuona.  Hasn't come close yet.
Nakagami.  Choke.
Savadori.  Aprilia.
Binder. I dunno....maybe the dark horse
A Espargaro. See Savadori.
P Espargaro.  Can he come to terms with the vicious, monster, factory Honda bike.
Bagnaia. Hot head?
Oliverira. I dunno......see Binder.
Martin.   Who?