Re: 2022 Motogp League.
Posted by motogrady on
Thoughts on round 2........
You gotta wonder, at what point does Marquez call it a day? I know, he's physically got a few years left, but jeepers, it's nice to leave the sport intact. His massive get off this week hurts 4 teams. Hopefully, as the season gets in gear, he finds a way to finish. I know if I had him, I'd be looking around, seeing who's running strong, just in case.
SpiesLives is one of the teams MM hurts this week. Add Martin to his team, with his lack of wet riding skill, and SpiesLives has a bad week. Martin also hurts motogrady, who if knew his weakness in the wet was so pronounced, would never have have made that team. Mad4theCrest has all 3 of his guys in points, if only mid pack, and has an okay day.
Good enough to get his team mid pack at least. Whatarush also is really hurt by MM, costing his team a position in the standings after a really good start on the season.
Oldironnow, another MM victim, sees his first place in the team contest slip away with a not so strong performance. Still, with the very strong performance he showed in round 1,
he manages to maintain 2nd place.
And it's Team Fat2, the guys that always seem to be in the mix, jumping into 1st place
with their Highpoint score if the week. 33 points, even with MM dragging anchor, ya,
a very good week for Fat2.