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Fatfatboy on
hacksaw wrote
And it was not just breakdowns.
Backing up people in brawls , scrounging bail money. Chipping in for beer runs.
Somebody was always breaking down . I am sure you have had your fun riding home with a broken clutch cable. But it was usually the pan chops wiring falling apart.
I had my share of chipping in and beer runs and calling around to scrounge up funds to get friends out of jail, mostly for being drunk and stupid (guilty as charged) or having a some dope, but fortunately brawling wasn't a big part of my life. When I was very young I got to see the outcomes of those brawls at a neighborhood bar. A kid buddy and myself would just hangout waiting for it to happen and almost every weekend it happened.
Nobody seems to win when you got to pick your teeth up out of a parking lot.
Because I had friends in clubs I hung around and rode with clubs but I never joined them.
Here is what I learned about the clubs very early.
If your the new guy and shit goes down you did it. Had a brother that spent everything he had to fight a 10+ prison sentence because the cops barged in and there was a lot of dope on the table. It wasn't his. I'm not saying he wasn't there to buy some but the other three guys pointed at him. Cost him his house, bikes, cars the whole kit and caboodle just to pay lawyers.
Now he wasn't an angel by no means but this was not his to loose.
Plus clubs have rules. I don't need no stickin rules. In the famous words by Henry Fonda.
We wanna be free to do what we wanna do
And we wanna get loaded
And we wanna have a good time
That's what we're gonna doNot saying I wouldn't backup a brother if he was in a spot. Although being 5'5" and 155 pounds I wasn't a whole lot of help. These damn short arms.
If I felt that it wasn't going to be a good time, I rolled my own way.
Make love not war. If you can't make love lets at least enjoy the ride. Getting knocked in the head was never fun in my book.
Yup, I've had the unpleasure of doing clutchless rides home. Not bad in the country but in the city it sucks. Still laugh about it, though.
The brother that had the run in with the club had an old 49 wishbone Panchop. It was the only bike he got to keep. His mom bought it for him when we were in high school so I think it was always in her name.
It was beautiful bar bones open front 21" wheel, Mustang tank (remember those), 6" up 4" out (if I remember correctly) and king and queen seat. A real proper panchop. Probably one of my favorite looking bikes of all my friends through the years.
The motor was built and bored with S&S heads
The problem was he didn't treat as a 49 Pan. He was always breaking stuff. We trailered to Florida. We weren't there 3 hours and he turned his front push rod into an "S". Rebuilt the top end in our hotel room.
Last I heard the bike was in his sons procession apart in his mom's garage. Unfortunately the brother is no longer with us. The reaper took him way to young.
Sorry for the ramblings. Not being able to ride, or even work in the garage, has me doing a bunch of nothing.
Won't be long. Started to use the cane in the house yesterday instead of the stupid walker. I hate the walker.
I've never seen any cool biker ride up with a walker.
Knew a guy that carried his wheelchair with him on an old rigid shovel, kick of course with only one leg.
That made him cool in my book. Had a Disabled symbol on his plate.
But never a walker.
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.