Re: Reoccurring Dreams

Posted by Allred on

I have a recurring dream that doesn't include motorcycles, but it does include a car.

In my recurring dream I need to go somewhere but don't have a vehicle, but to my utter surprise when I look inside the garage there is my old car from 50+ years ago, the first car I owned. I'm puzzled because I could swear I scrapped that car all those years ago, it was old, worn out and so rusty it wouldn't pass the annual inspection, and so I scrapped it. And yet here it is sitting in the garage.

It looks to be in pretty good shape, I get into the car and the interior is quite nice, I press the starter button (yes it was that long ago) and the engine starts and idles smoothly. I set off to where I need to go and the car is performing extremely well, the brakes perform well despite being sat for all these years, the gas isn't stale, the tires are properly inflated, the paint is in good condition. I'm quite puzzled as to how this can be, but, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I drive happily along and decide that I will continue to use the car from now on.

Then the dreadful realization suddenly sets in.....................the tags are 50+ years out of date, and now I'm paranoid that I will get stopped by a traffic cop and have to pay not only the 50+ years of back costs but also the additional late charges and penalties!!!!!! I'm completely freaked out and wake up in a sweat!!!