Posted by m143 on

hacksaw wrote
I did like the gas gauge on my fatboy . But it wasn’t something that was needed to check all the time while riding . One coukd also toggle Thru the odo for various mileages and the time. But again that didn’t require constant monitoring .
My old Brit bikes did have an amp meter . And on them that was somewhat watched while riding . But the bottom line is mph and perhaps rpm. And a neutral lite !  
If I need that crap on a bike I shouldn’t be riding .
False sense of security is not good.
I never liked rev limiters either !!!
I'm using all that crap plus Cruise control.
And maybe some false security.
The 1200 Bonneville motor is wicked, and Traction Control saved my ass a few times.
In Off Road Mode the rear wheel will spin up but TC steps in just before the rear really steps out. And ABS is shut almost all off to the rear, but a little ABS in front is appreciated.
There is Off Road Pro that shuts it all off, I ain't man enough yet.
Road Mode is pretty impressive, ABS, Traction Control, and a sometimes intrusive Rev. Limiter.
Sport Mode is pure head rush! 3rd Gear power wheelies, yea ha!
Big wide handle bars with lots of leg room to boot.
There's a Bosch Lean sensor workin' there, but I've not sensed it.
I try to treat the Big Scramler with the utmost respect.

My personal bikes have been BMW Air Heads, for about the last 20 years.
I used to love them, but this new Tech. blows my mind.