Motogp League 2025

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| Motogp League 2025

 Season starts this week.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

Looking forward to another great season fellas!

Has there been any changes to the league?
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Re: Motogp League 2025

whatarush wrote
Looking forward to another great season fellas!

Has there been any changes to the league?
Not that I can think of.  I’ll look em over tonight.  

Team wise, we all know who the best picks are right now.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

To all that played last year, and those that join up this time around, thanks, and welcome.

1. The winner of this contest, will be the girl or guy, the team owner, whose team ammasses the most GP points at the end of the season.
2. Each team will consist of 3 Motogp riders.
3. The owners can pick whoever they want.
4. After the owner declares, or puts his team up, there will be no change in his rider lineup, unless the following occurs.
If a rider is injured, banned, or suspended, by Dorna, or the FIM, or the Motogp team he rides for, cannot pass pre race medical check, or just decides as a rider not to compete, for any reason, the team owner may replace that rider, with another, as long as this does not cause his team to match another in the league.
5. The only way a team owner can rehire a rider, is if his team loses another rider to the conditions above.
6. Points will be awarded to each team, according to the points each of his riders receives, at that event.
7.  In the event of a tie between teams at the end of the season, the tie will be broken by the team
with the most rider wins.  A tie in total wins will be broken by the last win a team has by date.
8.  Teams must be posted, or claimed, in this thread 1 hour
before the start of the GP.
9. Rider substitutions, when warranted, must be noted in this thread 1 hour before that weeks GP.
10.  All teams will be allowed to change out any one rider after round 1, and at the Summer break for any reason whatsoever.
11. reserves the right to mediate any issues that arise during this league series, with
that decision being final.
12.  No team posting before 2/26
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Re: Motogp League 2025

Thinking about a team, the current World Champion, Martin, might not be a good pick. He was under consideration for my team.  
Motivation to stick it to Ducati after the treatment they gave him, on one of the best bikes out there,
were strong factors to have him.

But word is out, today, he fell in training, breaking both his left scaphoid and radius bones in his left wrist.
Imho, he’s toast for the whole season.

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Re: Motogp League 2025

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It might be alluring to go all Big with Ducati.
It’s a given, the 2 factory guys, Bagnaia and
Mark Marquez, might just be the most seasoned, talented
guys out there.  On the best bikes.  And they seem to be getting along. Quite gentlemen like.  
But, Time is running out in Mark’s career.
And he’s so close to Rossi with total Motogp Championships.  I don’t care what they say about team orders or directives.  He gets close to winning another Championship, he’s gonna go for it. That he takes himself,
or someone else out, or both of them, is maybe unfortunate to him, but what else is there to lose?
Ya, MMarquez is looking real good in preseason,
but you gotta be in it to win it. You gotta finish.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

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Acosta, the young guy, the phenomenon, a year under his belt in the big league, has gotta be a consideration.
But, he’s on a KTM. With all with what’s going on over there, well, will that be kept out of the racing side enough not to interfere with their MotoGP effort?

Hondas top guy Zarcho, has been painting as good a picture he can on the factory Honda.
But he still concedes the Honda is still a bit down on power,
especially in the straights.  
And the way he can get when he isn’t happy,
I dunno.  Let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be the engine in his bike half way thru the season.

Quartararo, on the works Yamaha just might be the dark horse.  Sure, they kinda ruined him imo when they threw all that money at him to keep him blue.
But, they’ve been quiet over there. Word has it they have been working their ass off making their bike better.
And Quart has been showing good times in pre season.
Not as good as the Glimmer Twins at Ducati,
but close. Ya, Quartararo with a bit of luck just might be a contender.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

The Ducati, that bike seems so strong even the B Team,
Gesini, has 2 guys that are contenders.  
Alex Marquez, Marks brother, and Morbidelli, who hasn’t one since, well, forever, might be on 1 year old bikes,
but all the top Ducatis are using the 2024 engine.
It’s like the top 4 guys are riding Ducati.
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Re: Motogp League 2025


Which leaves Aprilla, after losing World Champion Martin
able to put most of their attention on Marco Bezzecchi.
Marco was the guy that was supposed to really shake the scene, but never really did.  
Good finishes yes, but he never really dominated.
Now, he’s on a pretty good bike, some would say 2nd only to Ducati, as the top guy now that Martin is out.
Who knows, with the focus on him from the factory,
on a good bike, and a bit of luck, 2025 might be a good year for Marco.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
Season starts this week.

Are you driving it this season, MG?
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

oldironnow wrote
motogrady wrote
Season starts this week.

Are you driving it this season, MG?
As long as you guys don’t mind the longhand scoring.
I’m pretty sure I’ve got my guys to start.  Probably it them up Friday.  

Thought about refining the rules.
But, after looking at other leagues, am thinking just keep
them as is.  

When we started this it was an effort to experience what
it’s like to create and kind of run a race team.  
Yes, I realize, the way it is can cause a runaway team at the end, winning by a big margin.

But, even as it is, this format still offers rider changing far more than it is in real life.  
It can be and usually is disappointing to a few participants.

But hey, that’s life.  

That being said, any past participant that would like to run it this year, feel free to speak up.

It can become a daunting task.

It’s a long series.

Hopefully at times, if needed, help will be offered if outside issues arise.

It’s kinda cool, to me anyway, to anticipate on a Tuesday to see where everyone is that week.
Ya, a small thing, but nonetheless, hopefully, a bit of a spark in our daily life.  

Good luck to all that indulge.  
We’ll see what happens in October. 🏁💧🙂👏🏻
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Re: Motogp League 2025

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
It might be alluring to go all Big with Ducati.
That and Martin was going to be my go to but now that Martin is injured and it looks like it could be months of recovery before he can return and get to really know the new to him Aprilia. Total bummer. Looks like a growth year for him.
So that leads me to a all Ducati team. Of course Marc and Pecco are good bets but the two VR46 guys haven't been shining many trophy's. I think Franco has more than Fabio but he has also been in the big show longer.

You would think Alex Marquez would be a good pick but he hasn't had a victory since Moto2. He's had quite a few podiums in his carrier, mainly in Moto2, but only 5 in GP.

I'm not so sure about a KTM rider. With all that is going on with that company will the funds be there to make improvements? Binder is usually pretty consistent. It would be nice if he could get a Ducati ride.  

Honda and Yamaha are going to be good participation trophy winners with Jack probably ending up with the most "Thrown it Down the Road" metals keeping the mechanics busy. He still has the willingness to push which on the Yamaha I believe will have him watching a lot of races track side.

Basically picking my first two is a cinch. It's the third player that is a guessing game, at best.
Either way, it's going to be fun battling it out with the CV crowd once again and I'm looking forward to it to help push these winter blues down the sewer.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

Fatfatboy wrote
motogrady wrote
It might be alluring to go all Big with Ducati.
That and Martin was going to be my go to but now that Martin is injured and it looks like it could be months of recovery before he can return and get to really know the new to him Aprilia. Total bummer. Looks like a growth year for him.
So that leads me to a all Ducati team. Of course Marc and Pecco are good bets but the two VR46 guys haven't been shining many trophy's. I think Franco has more than Fabio but he has also been in the big show longer.

You would think Alex Marquez would be a good pick but he hasn't had a victory since Moto2. He's had quite a few podiums in his carrier, mainly in Moto2, but only 5 in GP.

I'm not so sure about a KTM rider. With all that is going on with that company will the funds be there to make improvements? Binder is usually pretty consistent. It would be nice if he could get a Ducati ride.  

Honda and Yamaha are going to be good participation trophy winners with Jack probably ending up with the most "Thrown it Down the Road" metals keeping the mechanics busy. He still has the willingness to push which on the Yamaha I believe will have him watching a lot of races track side.

Basically picking my first two is a cinch. It's the third player that is a guessing game, at best.
Either way, it's going to be fun battling it out with the CV crowd once again and I'm looking forward to it to help push these winter blues down the sewer.

Gentlemen, start your engines.
Gonna be a pisser if MM takes Bagnaia out in the first turn
of the opening round, with both missing a few events.

Glad to see you defend Fatfat!
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Re: Motogp League 2025

Thank you for taking a go at it, MG.

My non-motorcycle kept getting in the way of timely watching of the races; I was not a diligent manager of the League.

Reach out here if you need assistance.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

oldironnow wrote
Thank you for taking a go at it, MG.

My non-motorcycle kept getting in the way of timely watching of the races; I was not a diligent manager of the League.

Reach out here if you need assistance.
You did great. 👍
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Re: Motogp League 2025

This post was updated on .
Ok Team 2Fat has signed contracts with
Pecco Bagnia
Marc Marquez
Jorge Martin.
I know he’s probably going to be out a race or two and will be learning a new bike but i feel by race 3 he will be battling at least the top 5.
I put a clause in the contract that if he’s not performing by race 4 he could be traded off.
He agreed. Besides I’ve noticed riders riding on pain meds seem to do well. I think the only race Petrucci won he was taking them.

Marquez is a crap shoot as well. Is his time come and gone? We shall see.

Bagnia is a for sure and I think he may be riding the #1 plate for 2026.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Motogp League 2025


Team MG

Mark Marquez
Pedro Acosta
Fabio Quartarano
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Re: Motogp League 2025

I hope your pick for Fabio pays off. He's such a great rider and works hard with what he's got.
If Yamaha could give him that V4 I think we would see him on the podium a few times this year.

He's like a well seasoned well digger that's been given an ice cream scoop to dig with.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

Top ten for the year prediction.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Motogp League 2025

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
I hope your pick for Fabio pays off. He's such a great rider and works hard with what he's got.
If Yamaha could give him that V4 I think we would see him on the podium a few times this year.

He's like a well seasoned well digger that's been given an ice cream scoop to dig with.
Ya, the past is gone, but remember the year he had when he won his Championship?
I thinking he’s had some time to play,
word has Yamaha has been working hard on the bike…..
we will see.  
Acosta……..I had to throw at least one young guy in there!