I was in the H-D dealer yesterday and couldn't help but notice that the show room was a sea of bikes with dull uninteresting paint.

This was the front row. The back row had used bikes with some color.
Harley has always been to me the bike with the finishes that stood out. Always mile deep blues, reds and orange but the new bikes just don't seem to have this. There is a few bikes that have some color, note the Road Glide in red. Kind of reminds me of a fishing bobber floating in the Mississippi.
In thinking on this I realized that Harley is not the only company with this lack of luster. Lot's of car manufacturers are doing the same thing. I'm noticing several cars by different manufactures with the same clear coated primer color along with other dull looking paint. Not really matte finish just dull colors.
I know if I'm going to spend $20g's+ on a vehicle I want some glitz. Something that pops.
Heck even the famed Mcdonalds hamburger joints have joined into this.
They are tearing down the old stores with the bright red, yellow and white schemes with the sloped over hangs and building the new stores shaped like a box with a flat roof with browns and mud looking paint.
They've ditched the whole happy clown thing. My daughter says they went from being a happy child to a depressed adult.
What gives?
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.