Fat fat, Walt, Oldiron, whatarush, smoke dog, hacksaw, Kawtippin, monkeyshines, bookworm hope all is good for you this Holiday Season. Apologies to those I may have forgot. Rest up, heal up, 2025, and it’s Spring are but what, 16 weeks or so away! |
Oh, I forgot. Grado is in Baltimore for this Turkey Day. A small, close get together, seeing those I wish I could see more of. Whose doing what? |
Thank you. And back at you all!
Forecast for the local Green Bowl in the morning is cold and rainy . After a most perfect fall. Oh well. And I bought a new flask! For decades a few of us still hang at the dumpsters and more or less watch the game from the hill behind the bowling alley. It’s been great since the new scoreboard was installed . We shall see. Regardless most of the immediate family will be here for our Bears BBQ Turkey . God Bless All! Peace and Prosperity is on its way!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
A happy holiday to all 👍👍
A week of rain held up the mostly finished house painting. A funeral in the rain with a 21-gun salute. There’s some staggered get togethers planned. Maybe a Buell ride will be made soon to one or all of them.
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
In reply to this post by motogrady
Thanks Grado,
I backyard it. Cook a turkey on a woodfire, catch a buzz. We generally play around on some old dirt bikes. Enjoy everybody! |
^ Best WKRP ever!
Thanks Grado and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and the rest of the gang. may you all be fed to the fill and your pants be stretchy. This will probably be the busiest Turkey time we've ever had. Thursday is with her family, Friday is with my family, Saturday is a a birthday party for her aunt and Sunday is church and usually lunch with my folks. I think I'll be ready to get back to work come Monday. Enjoy all. ![]() . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
I quit doing all that holiday crap anymore.
I will make it tge game and then anyone whom wants to come here is welcome. I will go to my daughters on Christmas. That’s it. Since my mom passed away. My in laws wee here for one season . They are back in the Philippines. So that saves me. My friends that used to pop in moved away or are dead . And I quit watching the nfl back with the kneeling and the death of the Washington Redskins. Ya know everyday is a holiday for me. My heart is full of love. I don’t remember the last time I was in a church . Maybe a Christening. The universe is my church . God is in everything . And everything is in god. I don’t begrudge anybody’s religious practice. But pass the collection plate to somebody else , thank you very much . I got family to take care of. I just wish my girl was home from Okinawa , but one can’t have everything I suppose.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
Happy Thanksgiving .
I am thankful for much But this year is special since I am thankful in advance of the peace and prosperity to come.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
![]() Anyone else notice this kid has no teeth? 🤨 As far as W whatever in Cincinnati goes I don’t recall ever watching it for the actual narrative . Something me and Burt Reynolds had in common .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Well it looks like we all made it thru this one.
Good thing. Me, I left WV 8am sharp. Took the Suburban, I mean that’s what I bought it for. Pulling the RV trailer and whatnot, it’s like sitting in the living room couch. Yes, the best I’m getting is 17mpg. But, it’s 4 wheel, you can stretch the legs out, heated seats, screw the gas, it’s comfortable. 11:30 I’m smelling the Chesapeake Bay. 3.5 hours. The tank isn’t half empty. It’s like another world when I come down from mountains into the lowlands. The Sun is out, no rain, it’s warm. To me anyway. Spent about 5 hours with family. It was nice. I don’t know what it is, something primal, but connecting with those from your past, family, just kind of recharges some kind of battery. How different we all are. Traveling different paths. With different goals, and views. But still, somehow, the same. Anyway, I headed back right at sunset, around 6pm. Easy driving until, I dunno, Cumberland Md. Half way up the 3000 feet above sea level where my little town sits. Then, the snow let loose. I tell you guys, 3 or 4 times if I could see 30 yards in front of me that was a lot. At the Rt 70/68 line it was a full blizzard. How some of those tractor trailer guys do it I’ll never know. There are maybe 4 ways to get back into where I live, off interstate 68. The shortest takes you thru a bunch of state parks, and it’s all twisties. The second, a bit longer, but straighter. Third, thru Deep Creek lake. Longer still, but plowed and salted by the state much more. It’s a resort, brings in the tourists and their money. The 4 th way, and longest, 68 to the closest exit to my place. But, that’s the longest way. And 68 is ice and snow as it is. Plus, the 12 miles off that to my place, let’s just say it ain’t easy. Picked number 2. Straight, yeah, kinda. But still some pretty big uphills and downhills. No plow had been thru. No cinders. Road snowed over, had to judge where the road was off the trees on the side of the road. White knuckles for 40 miles in a snowstorm. Anyway, I got her into Oakland Md, where a cop decided to follow me, right on my ass while he checked me out, for about 5 miles. Hey, I’m all good, but I really didn’t need Gomer and his headlights. Probably looking for a DUI, but I never gave him a reason to light me up. Even tho the double yellows appeared now and then, from under the snow, I never touched them. Screw him. Anyway, 3.5 hours there, 5.5hours back. The primal, family battery with a years charge complete, all in all, was a good trip for Grado! |
good for u. I never thought of Maryland as a snow state. it's beautiful there. I would likely be more at home in WV, at least when I was younger. maybe John Denver got to me. but these days I would also love the Maryland horse country. Del Mar used to have a good bike meet. my friend VT (rip) from CW loved it but I never got down there. we been down as a family to softball tournaments a few times. and to the beach. I am not a big beach comber type. but I do like eating crab. I still got my "don't bother me I'm crabby " mug from some crab shack there.
family is a whole other deal. my parents are gone and my wife's family is the Philippines. most are. her sister and her family is in Hawaii where my wife visited last month. kinda different deal there in the Phils. family units are much closer than what I see in the USA these days. there is a certain hierarchy. your nuclear family, then cousins and aunts and uncles, then maybe second and third cousins, school mates, in laws, neighbors , people from the same town, nearest town, province, people whom speak the same dialect etc. people from seperate areas in the Philippines can be quite tradition rivals still. but here in USA , you mentioned people have gone diff ways etc, but I find the more things change, the more they stay the same. lol. no snow yet. I hope that doesn't change!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
In reply to this post by motogrady
Well done, MG - well done.
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
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