^Two extremes. Full leathers to shorts. I couldn’t nor wouldn’t in the high temps.
Of course I don’t do either in any temperature. Don’t own leathers other than a jacket and I can’t wear shorts without leaving some burnt flesh on a pipe.
A few months ago I bought a building for business expansion. The company I bought the building from couldn’t get the building they bought completely ready by the time closing the deal so I’ve been leasing some of our space back to them and have gotten to know a few of their employees. Turns out some of them ride.
One of the guys has been on me about joining them on a ride.
Because of the three day weekend we got a chance to get together for a ride on Monday.
We gathered up at 8:00 am and hit the back roads in the Ozark foot hills.
I like folks that like to start early. So many of the cruiser clans don’t like to get it early. Many are ass dragging from the night before. Especially on a holiday weekend.
Not these guys. We met at 8:00 am and kickstands were up by 8:15. Up and at’em!
In to it for a few miles and the pace was kinda slow and I thought I was going to have to come up with an excuse to pull out. I can’t stand putting around under the speed limit.
After about 60 miles they picked up the pace a bit but didn’t get stupid. I guess the leader was feeling me out making sure I knew how to ride with a group. Wise move there. Not a lot of groups do that. They just throw a new guy in and say “Let’s burn.”
Doesn’t always end well.
Speaking of not ending so well, after lunch and couple hundred miles we were heading east on Route 66 the “road captain “ motioned for me to take the front so he could roll to the back.
Since I have covered most of the roads in the surrounding area I figured I’d get us of bumpy Route 66 and head north up to Highway 50 for a bit.
The road I turned us on was a great nice tree lined county highway with rolling hills like a roller coaster. Pretty straight for several miles then the sign most full dress Harley riders ever dread to see;

“Damn!” Freakin road ended at a T with only gravel to turn on to. Even my wife thought we had traveled this road once before. So we all had to turn our 900 pound machines plus the weight of the riders around on some very loose gravel.
So much for showing them my impeccable navigation skills.
At least I gave them something to laugh about.
After we got them turned around we headed back, the way we came, we just got back and headed east on Route 66 until we could find a southern route again,,, that didn’t turn to gravel.
Later one of the guys told me this was his first attempt at a gravel turn around on his dresser. He’d just had to replace his Dyna Glide after being ran over by a car.
He did good not to throat chop me.
Despite the gravel spin around it was a great day of riding with some good folks who just wanna ride and laugh.
Felt good!
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.