I have a rule that I wasn’t going to buy another bike until I paid the house off.
Well,,, I’ve never been good at rules.

You guys may recognize this machine. It currently resides in Hacksaws Garage.
We watched his build on the Cycle World forum. I have always admired it and I have always desired to own a Beezer chop.
I was scrolling through Facebook and this bike showed up in Hacksaws Garage page. I mentioned that if he were to ever need to part with it I would be interested.
After a few private messages I was sending him some earnest money with a commitment that I would bring some cash and pick it up before the snow flies.
Friday morning my dad and I are making a blast to Connecticut to pick it up.
It will be a quick drive up, load up and boot scoot it home. We will tag team the steering wheel.
I’m really looking forward to it.
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.