Funny u brought this up.
And yes, that is a good looking springer.
Very good really.
Visiting an old guys barn/garage last week, one of those guys that's pretty paranoid about
even taking and posting electronic pics, ("people can get the gps off a pic and next thing you know my stuff is gone.), we got to talking about the older stuff.
Rusted frames, old wheels, split cases, sprockets by the barrel full, he could remember
quite a lot of stuff. Stuff you'd be hard pressed to find in any catalog or on any poster.
("That front end, damn near first year front brake. 1928. Off a Harley.)
But, a lot of the front ends, especially the springers, he had a hard time remembering what was what.
"There were so many people making them, and so many different styles heck, who could remember them all?"
And he had a lot of them, in the rafters, parts of piles, standing in corners.
The more I looked, the more I noticed.
Not wanting to push it we left it at that.
But hacks post brought that hour or so back, enough to get me a looking around, well, at springers. Here's a few.

The 1948 Harley. Last year they mainly used the springer front.
And one of the best looking bikes ever produced imo.