KTM Woes

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Re: KTM Woes

Of course . So it’s obvious they pushed to the limit by design. Whatever the plan was failed.
Incompetence perhaps. But as you say , the bean counters had to be aware.
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Re: KTM Woes

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
motogrady wrote
Anyway, I’ve noticed a few threads on other sites, dirt sites, where guys are starting to second guess buying another KTM.  Not that it isn’t one of, for sure, and maybe the best 250 and 450 dirt bike out of the crate.

And that my friends, is a very serious issue for Orange.
That, I think is going to hurt them the most. They are going to have to make one heck of a financial turn around to get confidence back in the people.
With a drop in production in '25 and '26 this will leave fewer KTM's on the floors of dealers which should help get rid of the excess they have and give them a couple years to turn their finances around and give hope back to the KTM'ers that have wore out their current KTM's.
I'm curious if they will hold up their R&R for those two years as well.

They are basically borrowing $700 million from investors to help pay off a $3 billion to liabilities banks, suppliers and employees salaries. That is some brave investors.

One does have to wonder, how did they get in such a deep hole?
Expanding too fast?
Too much paid to executives?

Interesting that the previous owner of MV is rumored to buy back 50.1% from KTM.
With MV having some of their own issues with overproduction, they currently have 2,000 leftovers sitting in a warehouse, I suspect he, Timur Sardarov, will get it back for less than he sold it for.
Sound familiar?

It seems a lot of luxury leftovers sitting around at several types of dealerships.
I'm curious how the big three in the land of the Rising Sun are doing on sales.
I think i saw KTM has 265,000 2023s sitting in warehouses.
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Re: KTM Woes

And thousands more on dealer showrooms,
Heavily discounted. Cheaply made shit!
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Re: KTM Woes

hacksaw wrote
And thousands more on dealer showrooms,
Heavily discounted. Cheaply made shit!
Actually the bike one needs to do the least to if a guy is really serious.  Some say the steel frame hinders them,
some say it’s better to flex a bit.  
The air forks, vs springs, again, personal preference.

Thing is, all of them are so good at this point in time,
maybe 5% use 90% of what the new stuff offers.

It’s kind of funny really.
Like seeing these new Corvettes, Mustangs and Challengers on the road.

You know, none of those guys are really
gonna run the piss out of them😄
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Re: KTM Woes

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Re: KTM Woes

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
hacksaw wrote
And thousands more on dealer showrooms,
Heavily discounted. Cheaply made shit!
Actually the bike one needs to do the least to if a guy is really serious.  Some say the steel frame hinders them,
some say it’s better to flex a bit.  
The air forks, vs springs, again, personal preference.

Thing is, all of them are so good at this point in time,
maybe 5% use 90% of what the new stuff offers.

It’s kind of funny really.
Like seeing these new Corvettes, Mustangs and Challengers on the road.

You know, none of those guys are really
gonna run the piss out of them😄
As far as I am concerned they are junk .
When I went to look at them I was agast at the crap that was being offered. So much plastic . Which I suppose is good if you are dumping a lot. All I wanted was a small bore curb  hopper.
But the thing that really turned me off was the tiny foot controls. This was on the dual purpose bikes. Just screamed cheap.

As far as bring a poser bike, idk. I can’t says since idk anyone whom has ktm.but I think the percentages you put up are an extreme exaggeration. I know people with those hot cars and they run the crap out of them believing.
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Re: KTM Woes


Yer right.
These would be a better setup for moto or dp.

What was I thinking.
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Re: KTM Woes

More like what are you smoking?
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Re: KTM Woes

No. Really.

Deep ruts a guy could stay out of the bottom
and just glide along.  Hell, water crossings just gas it before hitting the river or creek and just skim across like a jet ski.  Plus, better foot support when landing a 100 foot jump! The shifter, no lifting the toe to upshift.  Ifs good enuff for road racing it’s gotta be better than what they’re using in the dirt.

Ya.   The small shifter and foot pegs, change ‘em and save KTM!
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Re: KTM Woes

KTM has 300,000 bikes warehoused and owe 2000 million. Italian company Bajaj Auto and Cf Moto are looking at a possible purchase according to this article.


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Re: KTM Woes

In reply to this post by motogrady
It’s a loser .
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Re: KTM Woes

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
CF moto sucks, which would make them a great fit for ktm , since they also suck.
European arrogance .
Crappy plastic bikes.
Over production
MV Augusta curse

It all equals bankruptcy.

Would you buy a Chinese owned HD?
Chinese owned BMW?
Then why Chinese owned ktm?
Loserville all the way.

The warehouse ktm numbers are a joke .
There are hundreds of ktms in Ct dealers shops.
Do those bikes need to go before the warehouse bikes.
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Re: KTM Woes

Yeah, I wouldn't buy a Red HD.
Although, I wouldn't mind having one of those Indian produced X440's if it was RE priced.
HD dealers are using them for learning classes but aren't allowed to sell them.

If KTM becomes China owned I think it will deminish the value and reputation.
I think Italian owned would be the way to go.

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Re: KTM Woes

Fatfatboy wrote
Although, I wouldn't mind having one of those Indian produced X440's if it was RE priced.
HD dealers are using them for learning classes but aren't allowed to sell them.

This is one of the stupidest Harley endeavors yet.
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Re: KTM Woes


This is one of the stupidest Harley endeavors yet.

I don't know about that. I think the MV Augusta purchase and sell had to be one of the dumbest financial endeavors that they made in my time of riding HD's.
Paid $109mil including $70mil in debt and then sold it back for like $20-$30mil a few years later. Complete face to palm plant. Who does this?

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Re: KTM Woes

I said 1 of .
Unless you thing it’s makes sense, I dont.
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Re: KTM Woes

It kinda makes since. A cheap bike to get new riders into the fold.
The only thing that concerns me is that they would start making the big cruiser and tours over seas cheapening the brand because the newer riders got accustomed to the Indian bikes. This wouldn't happen if HD was actually run by people and not bean counters.

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Re: KTM Woes

It makes no sense to me.
People didn’t buy made in USA Buell  blasts
Why would they buy a bike that even Harley don’t release to the public ?
What company is not run by mean counters?
I think Harley actually does make fine if it’s heavy bikes in Brazil .
But it’s not just bean counters. It’s woke  euro creeps like its present ceo ruining the brand .
Harley is rapidly losing its identity.
Look at tge new street glide or whstever it’s called . Over
800 lbs and 28k!
Thats not the common man’s bike.
I still fly Harley colors one could say . But it’s old bikes. I am it sure I want to be even seen on a new Harley.
I do admit to liking the softail standard . But that’s about it.
I lean these days toward bmw . Except I can’t ride one being tall bikes. I like the Indian air cooled bikes. Guzzi perhaps . Still like some triumphs .
But no longer a Harley fur hard
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: KTM Woes

Sorry about all the typos
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: KTM Woes

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy