KTM Woes

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Re: KTM Woes

In the company plan, instead, Pierer Mobility would be solely responsible to raise up to €900 million ($930 million) of fresh funds to help put the company back on track.

Holy crap. Were does he have that kind of jack stashed away. Who would loan it to him?

I was doing some poking around to find out what his net worth is and found out that Pierer has stepped down as CEO as of January.


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Re: KTM Woes

CEO Pierer steps down, finally. But he still owns the Mobility AG that owns KTM. How’s that work?


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Re: KTM Woes

Well ktm originally made nice dirt bikes.
These days they tried to flood the new world order with plastic crap. Quantity over quality.
Augusta debacle and the involvement with the CCP were warning signs. Hopefully tariffs will put them out of their misery
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: KTM Woes

I hope they bounce back and figure out that folks don't want plastic bikes from Thailand, China or wherever cheap bike are made.
I'd like to see them put their people back to work making good quality bikes, both dirt and street.
They will have a hill to climb to get people to feel secure enough but if they advertise them as home built again with home made quality and admit that the cheap bikes had their issues it will give them a step up.

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Re: KTM Woes

Idk. They need a completely different mindset.
At the moment they certainly seem to far in the hole.
I can’t belive my BMW dealer just opened a stand alone ktm dealership . I guess he got a great deal on stock .

I don’t see ktm surviving without huge changes.
They likely will go belly up and somebody will buy the name.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.