hacksaw wrote
You are telling me that tt racing is part of the grand national championship?
Because that’s my gripe.
Nothing to do with anything else.
Bring back tt to the Grand National championship .
I thought I made that abundantly clear.
There is no grand national championship.
There hasn’t been a grand national championship since the 70s.
During the 70s they, the AMA, could not make money on road racing. So they just gave up on it.
The new, and current AMA administration, broke up and sold the rights to run various types of racing to others.
It’s a long story if you guys want more I’ll tell you.
But right now, the GNC, AMA wise, ain’t gonna happen.
Not to say we here at Cyclevisor.com couldn’t.
Plenty of organizations run their own Championships.
It’s just they, The AMA, has such a following, so much history, it is they where the masses go.