Walking out the door at work I saw this rig backing up in my neighbors lot (the guy with the Husky I can't get my mind off of) along with a pickup with a couple Honda XR's riding in the bed.

Figuring that there had to be something cool in the rig I walked over to check it out. I wasn't disappointed.

My neighbor and a the rig owner were heading down to Oklahoma for the last vintage races of the year.
The BSA is a 1968 441 that he uses for vintage racing.
The guy went to England and had the chrome molly frame made the old fashion way with hand bending and braised joints. Not a single joint is welded.
The rig is a cool rig in itself. He purchased the tractor side of it then sent it to southern Missouri to have a custom RV shop build the RV with 4 bike garage on the back. I mentioned that that is exactly what I needed to be able to haul my dialysis machine and a couple bikes around.
He said he'd sell it to me for $200k.
It didn't include the BSA. No deal. :)
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.