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That’s because it’s confusing as all get out.  
A few days ago I looked around.

I gave up.
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I looked up Beach and wiki didn’t show he raced tt.
The ama took tt away from the grand national and seems like they added it to some other road race thing. My guess is to purposely knock down the importance of the grand national championship in favor of trying to compete with FIM. I font know if dorma was involved or not at that time . They also did something  to Daytona.
To make it less premier.

If I didn’t already hate the AMA I sure would now.
Moto America is total BS .
Where are American made bikes?
Only in thst puke inducing Bagger shit racing. Which brings in no youth fans. Remember how  883 racing brought younger prople into HD dealers?
There are no otherwise Anerican bikes in moto America.
That’s disgusting.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Well, in their defense, they do have a National Championship for I believe the orange and black guys.
I think they call it The Outlaw Series.
Like the Baggers, they don’t run every round.

I believe they run 4 or 5 Championships.
The big twins is the big guys.

The singles. Those on 450 converted motocross bikes.

The Royal Enfield Series. I have no idea what’s that’s about.

The Enduro/ADV Series.  Basically a National on guys running stock Enduro bikes.

The Bagger Series.

The National Hillclimb Series.  

Here’s a good place to start understanding what is going on.

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In reply to this post by hacksaw
Hey Keith, there are some Indians in the Super Hooligan series. It’s a pretty cool series to watch.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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In reply to this post by motogrady
Well they want personal info for me to read the site. Not going to happen .

I did watch a girl a couple of years ago blow away people on singles flat track .
But then it became to hard to figure out what channel it was in and when . Too much BS .

Now my point was no way anti flat track ,actually one of my members on Hacksaws Garage FB group , her family owned a track and she us still big on the sport .
My point is the grand national championship was not whst it used to be when separated TT out if it.
Thats why I consider Springer a greater champion than the guys whom came later.
GNC was no longer whst it was . And they did it purposely to degrade the title so it would not compete against moto whomever for public acclaim .
The AMA is a crooked over inflated association.
May not as bad as it once was say 2O years ago when they had a big coup of  sorts . But it’s too much sucking up to IFM . AMA starts running their own races again MAYBE I would look at them again . But at the moment they are a BS sanctioning body worthless to me  3rd party . Bloated with waste and more an insurance insurance company or maybe they have even got into being a  travel agency . Lol. Idk I don’t follow them .
I get periodic come ons from them . A waste of your dues, fellas!🙀 i have saved a couple of stickers they send me and they are pasted upside down on my tool boxes. Bwah ha ha ha!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
lol. After they banned  and badmouthed outlaws years ago , they now name a race series Outlaw?
Wtf? Can you see why detest the organization?
Are they racing bikes a kid can save up from flipping burgers and walk into a dealer and buy a reasonable facsimile ? So now outlaws eh? Using that name to drum up a hardcore facade. lol. Bigots.
Harley pulled this shit with their black  custom sales spiel .
Ya know skulls and flat black . Mostly sportsters . And whst eventually  happened? HD  dropped real sportsters .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
Well they want personal info for me to read the site. Not going to happen .

I did watch a girl a couple of years ago blow away people on singles flat track .
But then it became to hard to figure out what channel it was in and when . Too much BS .

Now my point was no way anti flat track ,actually one of my members on Hacksaws Garage FB group , her family owned a track and she us still big on the sport .
My point is the grand national championship was not whst it used to be when separated TT out if it.
Thats why I consider Springer a greater champion than the guys whom came later.
GNC was no longer whst it was . And they did it purposely to degrade the title so it would not compete against moto whomever for public acclaim .
The AMA is a crooked over inflated association.
May not as bad as it once was say 2O years ago when they had a big coup of  sorts . But it’s too much sucking up to IFM . AMA starts running their own races again MAYBE I would look at them again . But at the moment they are a BS sanctioning body worthless to me  3rd party . Bloated with waste and more an insurance insurance company or maybe they have even got into being a  travel agency . Lol. Idk I don’t follow them .
I get periodic come ons from them . A waste of your dues, fellas!🙀 i have saved a couple of stickers they send me and they are pasted upside down on my tool boxes. Bwah ha ha ha!
Fat2 is correct the series I was thinking about isn’t Outlaws, it’s the Hooligans or something.

I dunno.  
To one guy, the coolest thing about the old Grand Nationals, was it showed who was the best all around racer in America that year.  

It was easy.

From the TT at Peoria to the high banks of Daytona,
the guy that got the Number 1 plate in the
AMA Grand Nationals was, without a doubt, the best all around motorcycle racer in the United States that year.

And yeah, to one guy, that was really, really cool.

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Yes I did see hooligan series listed.

They took the grand out of the GNC.
With that I slowly lost interest.
Even with Daytona.
The only race I follow at all anymore is the IOM. As a friend of mine had raced in it years ago .
Then I became a fan of the Dunlops.
So I might tune into that race
Once in a while I will watch drag bikes if I stumble across it.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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hacksaw wrote
Yes I did see hooligan series listed.

They took the grand out of the GNC.
With that I slowly lost interest.
Even with Daytona.
The only race I follow at all anymore is the IOM. As a friend of mine had raced in it years ago .
Then I became a fan of the Dunlops.
So I might tune into that race
Once in a while I will watch drag bikes if I stumble across it.
Michael Dunlop just ran some dirt track at ex motogp Rossi place
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That was interesting. Thanks.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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In reply to this post by motogrady

Drag races. That’s another one.
I mean, who is the quickest this year in drag racing?
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
I looked up Beach and wiki didn’t show he raced tt.
The ama took tt away from the grand national and seems like they added it to some other road race thing. My guess is to purposely knock down the importance of the grand national championship in favor of trying to compete with FIM. I font know if dorma was involved or not at that time ………………………….……………….

Damn shame when roadracing was hived off from the GNC. I really liked that multi-discipline concept.

Machinery changed.
One needed two distinct motorcycles, and the roadracing bikes were evolving very quickly …. $$$$$ every season to upgrade.

“Grand National Championship” likely became “American Flat Track” after a generation and a half from the split, as the latter actually has words that carry meaning.
Grand National Championship… of what? Rodeo? Sewing? Whinging?
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This was a good read.
And of course i do agree with you on the grand grand national .

Makes me wonder how years before that the winner of the Springfield mile was crowned champion . That makes little sense today
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Ya I never knew Springfield was once the event that awarded The Championship as best rider in America.

I’ve thought about it at times.  

If a guy had the coin, or the ability to attract enough sponsor money, what disciplines would be used to determine
The Best All Around Racer in America?

I kinda came up with an 8 race series,
run in the winter months as to avoid the bigger, established events already in place.  

2 - Mile dirt tracks.
2 - Motocross events.
2 - Observed Trials events.
2 - Road Races.  With Daytona, the 200, being the final
event of the series.

The first 4 events on the West Coast, the last on the East Coast.

Call it The Dick Mann Championship.

Ya, that would be fittin’.
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Did Mann ever do observed trials?
I hope not . That's not racing.

Your idea has merit and that's basically the idea behind the old grand national.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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hacksaw wrote
Did Mann ever do observed trials?
I hope not . That's not racing.

Your idea has merit and that's basically the idea behind the old grand national.
I dunno.  I’ll find out.

It’s funny, the last trials meet I went to,
modern bikes modern rules, they actually did call it a race event.  They called themselves racers.
Apparently, in the event of a tie, it was least total time taken to run the sections that broke the tie.

I’d like to consider and include another street thing.
 I could never think of what would work in a one day event.

And no, not a poker run
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
Did Mann ever do observed trials?
I hope not . That's not racing.

Your idea has merit and that's basically the idea behind the old grand national.
Called a friend that knew Dick and his wife.
The guy that organized the event where I met him.

He said yeah, not only did Dick ride trials, he built trials bikes for certain friends and customers.  
Dick said he used a few Ariel motors, built some with Triumph motors, but really liked the Gold Star powerplant
in a trials bike.  

Remember Hack, Mann was an enigma.
Probably the most diverse rider of motorcycles,
and I ain’t out of line I believe, to ever come down the pike.  From any country on the planet.
A Champion in Motocross. 2 time GNC. Won Daytona.
Won RR Championships over the pond.
The list goes on.  

I mean really, does anyone even come close as far a diversity on the types of motorcycle racing as that guy?
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote

Makes me wonder how years before that the winner of the Springfield mile was crowned champion . That makes little sense today
I agree !
You could run well for an entire season, and then miss out because of one race.
But, it sure would up the ante and tension !

Very much, “Lace up your shoes, boys.”
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
Ya I never knew Springfield was once the event that awarded The Championship as best rider in America.

I’ve thought about it at times.  

If a guy had the coin, or the ability to attract enough sponsor money, what disciplines would be used to determine
The Best All Around Racer in America?

I kinda came up with an 8 race series,
run in the winter months as to avoid the bigger, established events already in place.  

2 - Mile dirt tracks.
2 - Motocross events.
2 - Observed Trials events.
2 - Road Races.  With Daytona, the 200, being the final
event of the series.

The first 4 events on the West Coast, the last on the East Coast.

Call it The Dick Mann Championship.

Ya, that would be fittin’.
Great idea !
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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