2023 Motogp League.

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| 2023 Motogp League.

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To all that played last year, and those that join up this time around, thanks, and welcome.

1. The winner of this contest, will be the girl or guy, the team owner, whose team ammasses the most GP points at the end of the season.
2. Each team will consist of 3 Motogp riders.
3. The owners can pick whoever they want.
4. After the owner declares, or puts his team up, there will be no change in his rider lineup, unless the following occurs.
If a rider is injured, banned, or suspended, by Dorna, or the FIM, or the Motogp team he rides for, cannot pass pre race medical check, or just decides as a rider not to compete, for any reason, the team owner may replace that rider, with another, as long as this does not cause his team to match another in the league.
5. The only way a team owner can rehire a rider, is if his team loses another rider to the conditions above.
6. Points will be awarded to each team, according to the points each of his riders receives, at that event.
7.  In the event of a tie between teams at the end of the season, the tie will be broken by the team
with the most rider wins.  A tie in total wins will be broken by the last win a team has by date.
8.  Teams must be posted, or claimed, in this thread 1 hour
before the start of the GP.
9. Rider substitutions, when warranted, must be noted in this thread 1 hour before that weeks GP.
10.  All teams will be allowed to change out any one rider after round 1, and at the Summer break for any reason whatsoever.
11. reserves the right to mediate any issues that arise during this league series, with
that decision being final.

No teams are to be posted before 11:59pm est. 3/21/2023
At that time and after, it will be first team posted, first team claimed.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Copy that.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

In reply to this post by motogrady
Thanks for setting the rules straight and setting up the league. Dorna should at least give you streaming for free.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Fatfatboy wrote
Thanks for setting the rules straight and setting up the league. Dorna should at least give you streaming for free.
Lol……..I wish.  
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

This post was updated on .
Awesome!!! Thanks for taking the time to set this up again.

Edit:just to clarify, team and rider change has to be posted 24hrs before start of the race or qualifying?
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

It’s never been an issue, I can’t remember it being one anyway.

Most make a change during the week.
Well before the 24 hour thing.

But, you bring up a good point.

What do we do if a guy gets hurt during a Sprint Race?

Is it Sorry Charlie, no replacement till Monday?

Or do we shave the replacement deadline to 1 hour before the flag drops on Sundays event?

This is something for the Executive Race Committee to deal with.  

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Re: 2023 Motogp League.


Past Motogp Winners.

2020. Mad4thecrest

2021. Motogrady

2022. Oldironnow
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Looking back at the previous seasons, I ran across something
I put up at I think the end of the 2022 season.

And it still rings true today.

“ Thing is, this contest is so full of variables
it does take a bit of luck to win it, along with the detailed racecraft this series demands.  

Take my team. Who would of thought Quart
doesn’t tell his mechanic what tire pressure to run?
Especially in the wet. Right there are 2 events that went down the tubes. Because some guy put too much air in the tires.

Then there is the Zook thing.  Who woulda thunk they were going to announce pulling out?
That had to mess with more than a few guys minds in their pits.   That had nothing to do with rider performance.  Or bike setup.  That came out of left field.  How does one take something like that into account?

On top of all that kind of stuff, is the riders.  
What should be the main thing to consider.
I mean, will Mark Marquez ever stop crashing?
Or Miller?

I dunno.  

Maybe take the current champ, a rider that seems to be on the verge of  hitting his true potential, and a fearless young gun loaded with talent is all you can do.

That and a voodoo doll along with some pins, just might be all a team owner can do.”
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

In my mind, i thought the rider replacement deadline was one hour before the flag drops.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

oldironnow wrote
In my mind, i thought the rider replacement deadline was one hour before the flag drops.
I looked it over.
The first year it appears there was a 1 hour
on putting up a new team at the start of the season only.
2 and 3 it looks like it’s 24 hrs for replacement riders.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.


The rule book has been amended to clarify
the above issues.

Note:  The term GP designates Sunday’s full points event.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Ok. For the 2023 MOTOGP Cyclevisor League Team 2Fat is going with
Let it be written.
Let it be done.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Fatfatboy wrote
Ok. For the 2023 MOTOGP Cyclevisor League Team 2Fat is going with
Let it be written.
Let it be done.
What? No MM this year?
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

motogrady wrote
What? No MM this year?
You know,,, I struggled with that decision but with MM fighting for a good bike and Ducati covering the field so well I just felt my odds were better with more Italian red.

I almost went with all Ducati but Quatararo has had that taste of champion and nibbled on it last year. He is wanting another bite of it and will do what he can to get it.  

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

This post was updated on .
Grado sez’

Marc Marquez
Jack Miller

Read ‘em and weep.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

Team Whatarush has signed
A. Espargaro
M. Marquez

I have been slapping back and forth the last couple days on which Aprila rider to sign
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

oldironnow Racing requests approval from League Direction to hire

World champion Mr. Bagnaia,
World champion Mr. Quartararo,
World champion Mr. Marc Marquez.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

This post was updated on . 2023 Motogp League Rd.1 Standings.

1. Mad4thecrest  47

2. Fatfat.  33

3. Oldironnow. 33

4. Whatarush. 32

5. Motogrady. 9
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Re: 2023 Motogp League.

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