I was able to finally get in a good ride since last season and with over a 360 mile ride it was also my first real run on the Buell.
I met up with three friends from the flat lands of Illinois that like to ride in Missouri’s hills and holler’s at a Starbucks on the outskirts of St. Louis.
After a bit of chatting and coffee we headed south to Ozark hill country. I was supposed to plan a route but i got busy through the week and failed to plan a route but I did have a stopping point that had food. The small town of Eminence and I don’t think there is a bad route to it since it’s nestled in the center of Ozark National Scenic Riverways.
The four steeds waiting patiently at a quick stop for the coffee to go somewhere else besides bladders.

Cool man Nate relieved of the emptying.
Down in the south stopping points are where you make them and we made one at a crossroads to stop for a Camel and a bum break.

I also got a chance to hear the Buell running by as the three Illinois guys took turns taking it for a spin. Freaking thing sounds amazing and made me giggle every time one rode by at speed. I wish I would of videoed it.

Enjoying a great pork fritter, fried pickles and a root beer float at the Dairy Shack with the floaters, campers and horseback riders that fill this small town of 500 during the summer months.

After a chow down it was 4:00 and two of the flat landers needed to quick step it back to the right side of the Mississippi to be at a ball game with the family so we had one last Camel together, hoped on the bikes and it was hammer down until about 50 miles in and my left knee finally said enough is enough so I pulled from the pack and stopped and filled up and bought a Yoo-hoo and Alieve.
With another hundred miles left I found the most comfortable way to ride was to lay on the tank and let the legs dangle in the wind behind. I could only imagine what folks were thinking when a screaming bike with a guy dangling from the bars came flying past them.
I usually would just get home at this point but after 50 miles of laying on the tank I made a stop at a small town park for a break.
Sitting on a park bench it was reminiscent of my childhood watching youth hunt for crawdads in a small brook.

Sitting on the park bench watching the boys started to feel a little creepy and I started thinking about using my leather as a pillow and taking a nap so I figured I should get back to it and finish the ride.
Once home I parked the Buell and immediately headed for the medicine cabinet to find the relief of some oxycodone left over from the surgery.
As the drug was doing its thing I started dozing off with the joy of the days ride in my mind and looking forward to the next one. Pain and all of need be.
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.