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Maybe back off pre-load first?
Hey what’s doing tomorrow morning Mr. Mad? I’m in the Tarzana tonight, intending to head north in the morning. Too bad 33 is closed out of Ojai. I’m considering Frazier Mtn. to return to the Bay Area. Maybe even try to ride through Parkfield. Wanna ride out? I left late today, 11 am. A simple, brutal slab-day… 101/46/5/405; no time for the fun roads. 80-90 all the way. Stopped at a Cycle Gear for chain goo, right-side front brake pads, and a Roadracing World for the son. Damn, the weather was Great today !!!! Cold over Tejon Pass (Gas Law: gained 4000 feet. Lost 12 degrees.) ![]() ![]() .
Choose to Ride.
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Tacos??? . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Tacos woulda been nice.
Truck stop Fritos, potato salad, Buddig ‘meat,’ coffee.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
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Dang !
And i would’ve enjoyed testing Guzzis !!! I need more time in the Southland to be able to get in all the rides. Thanks for the clue-in on Lockwood. But I’m not sure range and time can support it today. All in consideration. I was bugging to try to connect 46 to 198 through Parkfield.
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![]() .
Choose to Ride.
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In reply to this post by monkeyshines
Hey Shines, I have the pegs and it does help but my thighs we’re still getting roasted on the hot days. I recently decided to install some mid-frame deflectors that have helped tremendously. ![]() Harley makes them for 100 bucks and are on back order but I found these online for $25. They are actually for a dresser. They fit the frame but the holes don’t line up right so I used a 3m high bond high temp adhesive that is holding up well. I may get some fans to give some extra help. Hers an interesting video by DK Customs on engine temperatures with and without fans. Their findings indicate that the rear cylinder is actually higher when moving. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
I think the ECU messes with the rear’s injection or ignition at idle, but when under power, the rear gets proper heat-making mapping.
Choose to Ride.
Supports splitting everywhere.
This makes sense and needs further investigation. I don’t really even like the idea of cutting rear cylinder as heat management. |
In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Thanks, I’ll give those deflectors a shot. That seat looks nice, Mustang right? I rode passenger for the first time, man the stock rear seat is horrible, way worse than the front. btw “somebody” made claims that the reverse motor was a stout piece. Ignore that guy, his reverse crapped out a while back. On the upside we missed t boning a deer by thaaaat much Friday night. Here’s where I complain about the linked brakes, and being biased to the rear brake “lever”, ie lift your foot off the floorboard and mash that quaint car pedal that for some reason is still on a motorcycle. The upside being the line of tailgaters stuck behind a trike doing the speed limit at dusk in heavy deer country, backed off considerably at the sight of the deer near miss and likely the shear volume of screeching trike and a screaming passenger. While I’m at it the lighting sucks on this thing too. |
In reply to this post by Mad4TheCrest
A week ago Friday/Saturday, i blasted south to LA to visit my bro who was out of work with a tweaked back. I lingered too long at home, leaving finally at 11 am, which meant each hour of delay caused me to lop chunks of interesting road off the path. The whole way devolved into a 101/46/5 sprint south. 350 miles of vertical, 80 mph droning. Searching for cops tucked into the curvy nooks of the road in San Benito County. Managing fatigue with ‘San Paso truckstop’ coffee. Slaloming around loaded trucks with trailer tires whining under duress. But i did gather a bit of information in a glance at the entrance to Cholame Valley Road as Ratana threaded the construction at the intersection of 46 and 41. Between all the cones and heavy equipment across the lanes, for a second, i could see two-lane heading off to the north. Google suggested that it was closed, but now i had hope for adventure on the way home. Almost all of the winter green has been sun-baked into golden dry-grass hills now. Nothing’s out here on 46 after the 41 split but an ever-widening valley, five black cows, a lavender farm roadside attraction, some tortured rocks hinting at the oil tucked into the folds beneath, and the vault of the over-arcing haze-blue sky. The trucks stop speeding to grind up the Grapevine. Large speed-delta dance around everything held back by gravity in climbing the grade. 4000 foot climb means 12 degrees comes out of the air temperature, and Tejon Pass is a touch cold. San Fernando Valley, 405/101, and it’s fight to live time. Traffic is running at 90 with backups onto the highwsy from clogged off ramps. Cars sideways to the road in the gore point trying to get back into the flow. Two cars change lanes into me while I’m making eye contact with the driver. One I can almost fend off with my left hand. My god I hate this place…
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In reply to this post by monkeyshines
Yes, it’s a Mustang. I found it online at Titan Custom Motorsports for $492. Best price I could find. My local aftermarket place and Harley shop closed so the web is where I go for most my parts except oil and filters that I can get at the auto parts store. That rear stock seat is basically a 2x8 covered by plastic leather. A lot of folks swap it out for the Harley Sundowner but in my experience HD seats are only good for 20k miles. I typically put Mustang on all my two up bikes. The trike I bought had it’s reverse motor rebuilt when the dealer got it. They said what they see that kills them most is backing up steep inclines and people leaving the foot break on. It’s really just an oversized starter motor so I use mine in short spurts so not too overheat it. I’m glad you missed the deer. That could of been nasty. I’ve not noticed an issue with the linked brakes on this one but I did on my road glide. If I pulled hard on the hand lever the foot brake would grab much sooner than when I didn’t use the front brake. Oh,, btw, I looked into fans. Most fans are on the left side and blow hot air across and on the right leg. Harley makes one called Coolflow. It is placed under the seat above the tranny and pulls air across the rear head and down to the ground. It also blows air down across the cat helping with leg burn. At least that’s what someone who has one claims. It really should have been installed from the factory. It’s like 300 bucks. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
My high pipe scrambler is rather warm on hot summer days.
I appreciated the heat in the pouring rain though. There has been a lot of rain lately, and now the dirt road tour has a few puddles. ![]() Out of the woods and on the Thomaston Dam. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Allred
Fid fell in love and quit riding . I suspect we will never hear from Cletus ever again . But I do subscribe to Dav Pauli (fid hawser) blog posts.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
In reply to this post by m143
It sure has rained!
Luckily it stopped in time for late afternoon 4th revelry .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
In reply to this post by oldironnow
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No job , no bike, is worth dying for . Even in a car the aggravation factor takes a toll on your health . People are ants.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
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