Last Rides

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Re: Last Rides

Dang, some rip roarin fun goings on in the Walt clan. Ride on, man.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by m143
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

After 26 days it feels great to be back in the saddle.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

It’s been months for me. Msybe I will try this weekend.
My back is slightly better.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
After 26 days it feels great to be back in the saddle.

Nice !
Back at it 👍
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
It’s been months for me. Msybe I will try this weekend.
My back is slightly better.
Yeah man ! Give it a try !
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Great to see!

Fatfatboy wrote
After 26 days it feels great to be back in the saddle.

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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Awesome!! Glad you were able to get bike on and ride it home. I hope nothing happened to it while down in the shed. Couple days after putting the cover on it, I want down to grab something and the cover was off. So I put it back on.

I’ve had these covers for over 6-7 years and never used them. So when I first put it on, I put it on backwards. lol
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Re: Last Rides

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides


Ya good to see fat2 back on it.

Thought a few times last month “hope that guy is ok.”
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by whatarush
whatarush wrote
Awesome!! Glad you were able to get bike on and ride it home. I hope nothing happened to it while down in the shed. Couple days after putting the cover on it, I want down to grab something and the cover was off. So I put it back on.

I’ve had these covers for over 6-7 years and never used them. So when I first put it on, I put it on backwards. lol
I think pops had to move it.
Thanks for covering it back up.
I need to wash it anyway. Got a lot of bugs on that day.
And blood drippings.
The looked cool when wet. Not so much now that it’s dry.

I had to take the outer fairing off to wire in a new turn signal. I kinda like the Mad Max look.

Some anodized sheet metal hammered into shape peeks my interest.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
Ya good to see fat2 back on it.

Thought a few times last month “hope that guy is ok.”
Thanks, Grado.
I thought the worst injury's was my upper thighs from being slammed against the bars and the smashed by my wife and my left arm. Both started swelling instantly and walking felt like I was walking on rubber bands.
My wife’s right leg got squished between the bike and UTV.
Her ankle is still tender. She thinks her foot went up through the wheel well of the ITV.

A couple weeks after the crash I did my monthly blood check and found I’d lost two pints of blood somewhere and had to get a blood transfusion.
The blood must have come from a child. The next day my energy level felt like I was 20 years old again.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

Perfect day for playing hooky

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Not here . Into 3rd week of rain .
Can one actually play hooky if they own the company?
Do u have workers today? If so and they all played hooky to go riding ?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by m143
m143 wrote
Thank you. We did. Covered a little over 360 miles of some great Ozarks hills and hollers under perfect blue skies.
The steeds await as we take a break at an overlook.

Cheers fellow brothers of the wind.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

Thanks for the peak into the fairing, and very glad you’re out there riding 👍👍
Cheers !
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides

This post was updated on .
Thank you Mr. Iron.

Last weekend we got the chance to get out on a good run to Mountain View Arkansas with a fun group of folks for the Mountains, Music & Motorcycle Rally.
We met up Friday morning and hit the back roads. Even though it was a HOT! DAMN HOT! weekend with a heat index of 110 in the afternoon it was a grand time. Luckely the hotel had a pool.

Pulling into Arkansas we took the obligated stop at Mammoth Spring which is a bottom fed spring that is 70' under water pumping out 9 million gallons of water per hour. A retired hydroelectric plant is the reason for the dam.  

I've been there before but this time I met a ranger who told us that every winter they drain the spring fed pool by opening the dams to full throttle to kill the green moss that grows on the surface.


The bands of various genres play on a band stand setup in front of the courthouse in town square. Jamin tunage. That little bass player could't have been over 14 y.o. I bet her daddy keeps the double barrel loaded and ready.

I came across this well preserved grandpaw to my FXLRST. I would of liked to yack with the owner.

Evo powered trike. It's for sale, Keith

Eatin vittles with the crew

Why it's called Mountain View. This was taken off HWY 9 that drops down into town

We had to split out Sunday morning from the gang so I could get on the machine. They were staying until Monday.

We stopped to take a break inside this caboose to get out of the sun for a bit. It gives a place for folks to stop and rest and a place to grab the Amtrak in Arcadia Valley.

Some photos inside on the wall of its delivery and setup

The Route

We clocked in around 750-800 miles over the weekend and have decided that the ST needs some changes for this type of ride.
First is the seat. I've always been a Mustang Seat swapper but this one isn't going to cut it. After day 1 my butt and sack was screamin after 35 miles. I can't figure this one out. I've done single 350 mile rides in a day on it and not felt any pain such as this.

Second is the shock has to go. With the both of us and our luggage we were still 140 pounds under GVW but bottom outs happened a lot. Way more than any bike I've ever had.

Third is the bars. I need to have the grips back at least two inches with more pull back so my wrist turn a bit. They aren't drag bars now but after awhile the outside edge of my fist are feeling the pressure and my fingers start to go numb. I hate to lose the aggressive position as it is set up but comfort is required.
My reflexes have slowed down a bit in the last four years so I probably need to settle it down anyway.

Fourth on the list, maybe, add some footboards in lieu of the pegs.
So basically making a mini Road Glide out of it that I can actually flatfoot without taking all the suspension out of it. Sacrilegious?

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

That's a great ride !

Thanks for the photos

Bacon is very popular
I like that classic HD.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides

Cops had those .

Good pics F2!
I love the caboose interior!
A friend of mine lived in a converted caboose for a while .
Idk about the seat . If it worked for u before , assuming you rode solo , it maybe that this model just isn’t a good 2 up tourer .
Before you sink 2+ grand into it, you may want to think about that .
Seat, shocks , bars , foot boards?

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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