The wife and took advantage of the free day off Friday and the most beautiful day and took a ride to our state’s capital for a bite to eat.
Beautiful blue skies, perfect low 80’s and low humidity.
We came across this old church out in the middle of nowhere with unlocked doors and cemetery with old stones from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s all with German names inscribed on them.
It was a good resting spot just to sit and hear nothing.

We didn’t use the outhouse.

Unfortunately the day turned sour a bit later when we had a run in with a farmer and his slow moving UTV. I went to go around him on the left and he turned into his gravel driveway without signaling.
Because we were at a slow speed we didn’t hit him directly. It was more like his UTV turned my front wheel abruptly left and we landed in a grassy ditch next to his driveway.
No broken bones just minor cuts, battered and bruised with myself taking the brunt of it. My upper thighs got smashed against the controls making for some solid knots in the muscles and very painful to walk and shift. I had to use the back of my boot to shift and rest the leg on left peg.
We limbed it about 25 miles to Whatarush’s house to catch a ride home. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold the bike up and shift through the towns to my house.
Because of the somewhat soft landing the bike only sustained a broken left turn signal at the front and what looked like her shoe rubber on the tank.
We were fortunate. It could of been much worse.
It could of also been avoided by just waiting one second more.
The farmer’s UTV didn’t have turn signals. He said he arm signals 99.9% of the time. I wish he did 100 percent.
I guess it’s good I kept the cane around. I’m getting my monies worth out of it.
Note to self: It’s not just soccer moms that don’t pay attention.
You meet some of the best folks behind bars.