Last Rides

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Re: Last Rides

Oh! And happy fathers day to all ! Belated a day .
But Father’s Day is everyday in reality anyway
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

This post was updated on .

Headed out to New Hampshire by way of The TransMass Trail - Puppy Dog Route to Charlestown VT. Then over the Mts. to Laconia. Going to spend the week riding.
This is as good as it gets.
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Re: Last Rides

That’s awesome Walt.
I’d tell you to ride safe but what fun is that?
Ride with reckless abandon!

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

Then I will tell you to ride safe .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

Reckless abandon, with a touch of safety it is.
Pictures from my phone go sideways.
I'll post more when we return.
Happy 4th !
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Re: Last Rides

The wife and took advantage of the free day off Friday and the most beautiful day and took a ride to our state’s capital for a bite to eat.
Beautiful blue skies, perfect low 80’s and low humidity.
We came across this old church out in the middle of nowhere with unlocked doors and cemetery with old stones from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s all with German names inscribed on them.
It was a good resting spot just to sit and hear nothing.

We didn’t use the outhouse.

Unfortunately the day turned sour a bit later when we had a run in with a farmer and his slow moving UTV. I went to go around him on the left and he turned into his gravel driveway without signaling.
Because we were at a slow speed we didn’t hit him directly. It was more like his UTV turned my front wheel abruptly left and we landed in a grassy ditch next to his driveway.
No broken bones just minor cuts, battered and bruised with myself taking the brunt of it. My upper thighs got smashed against the controls making for some solid knots in the muscles and very painful to walk and shift. I had to use the back of my boot to shift and rest the leg on left peg.

We limbed it about 25 miles to Whatarush’s house to catch a ride home. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold the bike up and shift through the towns to my house.

Because of the somewhat soft landing the bike only sustained a broken left turn signal at the front and what looked like her shoe rubber on the tank.
We were fortunate. It could of been much worse.
It could of also been avoided by just waiting one second more.
The farmer’s UTV didn’t have turn signals. He said he arm signals 99.9% of the time. I wish he did 100 percent.

I guess it’s good I kept the cane around. I’m getting my monies worth out of it.

Note to self: It’s not just soccer moms that don’t pay attention.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

Rural drivers aren’t used to anything outside their usual routines. They can be mindless. Soccer moms are more likely to be distracted than mindless.
Glad it wasn’t worse for u.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

Damn glad you got away without a co-pay.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides

Hey,, you made a rhymie.

I’m still healing. I haven’t been able go fetch the bike.
Crashing sucks.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Last Rides

glad you survived that
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by m143
My kid and I rode, The Old Lady drove with the grand kids and supplies.

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Re: Last Rides

We took the kids to the Weirs

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Re: Last Rides

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

Got out on the TMT yesterday with my friend Jim.
His Bonnie did okay.
He is fitting more knobbly tires, and some bar risers to make standing more comfortable.
We had a great time.
This style of riding is perfect for us over 65 yo guys!

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Re: Last Rides

I can’t tell what Bonneville your pal has , but mine the pegs are a bit too far rearward to make standing practical.
That road looks pretty smooth. Better than most paved streets.
How do think the new tri 400 would do on that road ?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

The little 400 would be a perfect ride.
The roads are really well maintained.
There is one section in Greenfield where low pipes might get damaged, otherwise any motorcycle could ride the route.
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Re: Last Rides

On my to do list . Thanks.
Looks to be a great road!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

In reply to this post by m143
If you ride the TMT.
Some info here.
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Re: Last Rides

Somewhat confusing in that it is said there is no dirt road crossing from Ct into ma. , while somebody else said there is one off rte 183.
Also the map shows the road ends in upper ma while elsewhere it’s said to cross into Vermont?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides

Pavement until you cross into Ma.
The route is connected by a good bit of pavement.
The TMT ends in Greenfield and becomes the Puppy Dog Route when you cross into VT.
Somewhere in that thread is a video of the ride.
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