Last Rides

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Fatfatboy wrote
Spring is on its way!
After being behind two computer screens all day I stepped out of work to a breezy 80 degree late afternoon. Hopped on the ST, fired it up, turned on Pandora and Skynyrd’s “The Breeze” came blasting out of the tune box.

Time to ride.

Got a good traffic-less 65 miles in before seeing the deer starting to get restless.

Supposed to be 25 and breezy in the morning.
Back to the cage.
Great pic.  
If I could figure it out I’d put that pic on the main page.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)


And good luck with that knee thing F2.
Nothing to mess around with.  
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Thanks Grado. Much appreciated.
I think the main page photo will scare off the scammers.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Good move on the main page!
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
I wish BMW sold a trike.
I would hate to get stuck with a HD.
Too me too.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

hacksaw wrote
I wish BMW sold a trike.
I would hate to get stuck with a HD.
Too me too.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

thats an idea.
i will looking that. thanks.

everything is a matter of dollars. so who knows?
i am going to try getting another season out of myself on 2 wheels.
but who knows?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Heck, If you're only thinking another couple of years of riding a used wing would be the way to go. The older ones can be picked up pretty reasonably.

I was thinking that if I was going to go three wheels again it would be a Tilting Motorworks but it seems they have bellied up. I was considering one of their kits for my CVO softail but it was more cost-effective to buy an HD trike and then sell it or trade it in when I was healed.

This is my third knee infection and every time it happens it puts me down for a good 2-3 months. Takes even longer to be able to do two up. It's really starting to piss me off. We are getting ready to start a good riding season and I'm on the sidelines. I already had to cancel one moto adventure. I have 3 dayer schedule for August. I'm hoping to be healed enough by then.

There are some other options.
The Yamaha Niken looks interesting but doesn't look very two-up friendly for the long haul.
The Vanderhall would be another option but it's more car-like but very low to the ground.
An old Morgan 3 would be cool. I saw one in Sturgis and went totally gaga over it.
The Slingshot is another one but they are due for a body change. Again car like.

Other options an old MG Midget or Triumph TR3. Just have to remember to always carry a multi-meter, extra wire and electrical tape.

Without motorcycle riding in my life I just feel lost.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

I hear you both ^ on the urge to ride.

There were a few of those Vanderhall's in the Large Motorhome camping section of Daytona.
They look fun!
Especially since I've been looking at the recent-gen Morgans.

All of your options are good paths, imo.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

There is also the training wheels that auto drop or at the push of a button.
I'm not sure they make them for my ST. Not sure I would go to that far just yet. I still have my sidecar rig that will get me through this one but if this is going to be a recurring thing training wheels might be an option.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
WTF is a Niken? A camera?

I am going do u a favor and ignore u said anything about training wheels!

I would like a mg midget  myself.
I pal has a slingshot. Getting out of it is a horrible experience, especially if you have a bad knee .
There is also that piagio thing.

You are right about the trike kits. They aren’t cost effective vs an HD trike.
I don’t see a mold wing in my future. Way too big .
Maybe a Valkyrie Rune?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
The sidecar is your Ace in the hole!
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
WTF is a Niken? A camera?

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by m143
m143 wrote
The sidecar is your Ace in the hole!
Yeah, It's paid for, Needs a starter so as soon as I'm able it goes into the garage. Right now the knee is still in pain. I had several places to go yesterday and the knee didn't like it. Thank the good Lord for Oxycodone.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by m143
No side cars for me. If you ever saw my driveway and the street cross slope u would know why
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
hacksaw wrote
WTF is a Niken? A camera?
You have got to be kidding me!🤮
I saw that back in cycle world. I wish I never asked. But thanks for reminding me. I think .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

It's definitely the face only a mother could love. It's uglier than ugly can get. Ugly looks at it and laughs.
But, If it was my only option for getting the back road lean fix I'd ride it. Probably even giggle.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Further research on the Niken. It does not stand on it's own like the Tilting Motor Works does so I don't see any advantage to this bike.
I thought it had a gyro or motor that kept it straight up and down. The only advantage I see to this configuration is more grip upfront for a bike that only leans 45 degrees before hard parts touch.
I can see why it's discontinued in the USA.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Again , allow me to …

I would buy a lawn tractor before ever being seen on crap like that. At my age about all I have left is my pride.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

OOo... a Niken with landing gear..

Balance AND incredible front end traction.
Imagine being able to still carve corners!
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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