That’s right - 2004.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
Wow. That’s a damn shame .
2003 is the last year for solid mount motors. 50 lbs lighter than “04’s Efi sportsters? I had a 2010 and I belive it was carb? No it must have been Efi . Or maybe it was a 2005? Boy my brain is shot. Wow
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In reply to this post by oldironnow Suburban might have the more rigid mounts
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
Multiple specs for different types of XL ? Maybe EFI was a Cal-only thing.
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No 2007 was Efi
But I can’t recall the year of the bike I had Lol
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Thanks for clarifying what year I had 👍👍
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A few more vanity shots.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
Thanks. Too bad I can’t remember my own bikes. 😐
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
That’s you?
I thought it was Scott Zampac. Looking good! I will get another sportster . Just when idk!
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
A 2003 883R would be perfect for you. I wouldn't mind having one myself. because I also crave another barebones sporty but not a flobber mounted one. Like you, no place to park it. I need to sell off a springer. Prices have dropped. I may just eat it in spring and move on. Who needs two Heritage Springers? If I could get a trade on a 96 Bad Boy that would be a tickle. It's another bucket list bike. Right now I park most of my bikes in a spot at work. It's only a 1-1/2 miles away but I'd rather have them at the house. I've been trying to get an excavator over to the property next to the house to start the garage process but they are all so busy. Digging basements must be more profitable. Unfortunately my skid steer is not big enough to move that much dirt, limestone and a rock the size of a 55 Buick Roadmaster sedan. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
In reply to this post by oldironnow
Sniff, sniff. ![]() . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Try and find that broken wing patch The white ones are highly priced if yiu can find ones, Black wings are easier to find but I want white. How much material do you actually have to remove . 3 foot wide and maybe 3 deep? Idk your code. But u don’t have to did a big hole even renting a small back hoe for a day shoukd be relatively cheap . Forms can be a bit of a pain but yiu can forgo them by filling your footing excavation with concrete and then using a couple of course of block . Yiu only need you skid steer to take out say 6” of the inside and chair some rods then pour your floor. It’s pretty simple. I suppose u could put a layer of moisture barrier in there some way . I wish mine had that. Just don’t do a Joe Gresh and mix bag after bag of concrete and place by hand.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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I have tons and tons to move. The side of my house garage faces west. 10-15' west is the property I want to build on which is about 7' higher than the ground my house is on. I'd like to level out about a 70' x 100' area of that property to the same level as my yard and build a 20' x 30' garage on it. Some of the dirt I can move to the far side but much would need to be hauled away. There is also some trees that need to come down. That's my A plan.
It all depends on how far I can dig before hitting solid rock and I won't know that until I start digging or use an auger that will reach that depth. I recently found a rental place that has an auger that goes 8' so that should do the trick and the least expensive way to see how deep I can go. If I only get down a few feet before hitting rock then I need to change to plan B and only clear out a 40 x 50 area plus room for a driveway off my existing driveway to the garage. Code requires an outbuilding to be at least 20' away from another building. Plan C is to just add on to the west side of the house. This would take the least amount of dirt & rock removal but I already have an extra wide two car garage and adding another two car garage with a man door to the house would look goofy. I'd have more garage than house. Yeah bagging a floor with foundation is out of the question and probably cost more. . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Personally I would just add another bay to the existing garage. You could just make it look like the house . You wouldn’t need an overhead door since u have access from the original garage. Make a matching the house entry door.
It will actually be a cozier work space . Waaay cheaper than an out building . And belive me, especially in shit weather it totally sucks to have to go out to a separate building just to check something for a minute. Anywzy having a garage bigger than your house is super cool! And my dream .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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In reply to this post by hacksaw
The Z-Man ! He was a sight ! Those were the days. Here’s to your future XL 👍👍
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In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Add that extra bay, but put a lift in it to get to the full-width second floor you add on top of the garage.
Least change to footprint with max space and connected to the main house. I’m no expert, but I suspect there would be red steel post in the space of the original garage to support the load above.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
Zman was a great one!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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In reply to this post by oldironnow
The way to go .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill. |
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I got a recall from HD on the FXLST. It actually covers the low rider s and st.
The metal brake lines run down the side of the backbone and then get covered by the tank. Some of the bikes have experienced the tank rubbing on the line rubbing a hole in both the tank or line. I blew it off at first and was going to check it before wasting my time to taking there and leaving it just so that they could check it out. The local HD shop offered to pick it up, check it out and bring it back. Good thing I did it. The tank and hose are being replaced. Hose is in. The tank is supposed to be in mid February. ![]() . You meet some of the best folks behind bars. |
Wore into the weld at the seam
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