But, as it was before it was put away and ignored for a decade, it’s still a bastard to start. Cranks and cranks and cranks….
I had to hand-choke the open intakes to get it to fire a week ago. Which, is untenable.
So I slept on the problem, thinking about it, mulling it over.
The carbs are too big, by design choice.
The exhaust is unmuffled short-pipes, also by design choice, as it was made to reach an equivalence to 125GP bikes - all top-end performance.
The combustion chamber is probably not getting a good charge at idle speed (no back pressure and not enough signal in the venturi), and the guys who built this bike probably had a roller starter, so it wasn’t an issue.
Grafting some butterflies over the velocity stacks could work, but then I thought about covering up some of the Supertrapp discs with shim stock. And thinking about the question of attaching shims begat the answer of hose clamps…. And the realization that the hose clamp
is the answer.
So now it fires and idles and revs, but the upper rev range hasn't been explored. Maybe if I get out this DMV office, I can get home and whip the throttle while the neighbors are at work… So, I’ll have to see. Especially since I’m remembering past actions of taking out discs, and that leading to a strangled top-end.
What I need is an EXUP valve, or a spring-loaded obstruction in the pipes that would yield under pressure. I wonder if a stainless reed valve would work.

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