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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

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Mad4TheCrest wrote
Well, since the mountains are just 7.8 miles from my garage, I don't have any excuses 😉
My riding buddies from the east side of the Mississippi (Illinois the mid west Califon-i-a) tell me how lucky I am that I can pull out of my drive way and instantly be on some great twisty-hilly roads.
It ain't no Dragon but great turns, smooth roads (for the most part) and not so much traffic that you can't pass if you come up on someone. May have to cross a double yellow to do it but not stupid about it.

On another note, This morning the Buell mirrors fogged up on the way in to work. Won't be long there will be frost on the pumpkins then cold days watching the birds and reminiscing about those twisty roads and waiting for a warm day after the salt has washed away from a good rain wishing I lived somewhere warmer.  

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Fatfatboy wrote
On another note, This morning the Buell mirrors fogged up on the way in to work. Won't be long there will be frost on the pumpkins then cold days watching the birds and reminiscing about those twisty roads and waiting for a warm day after the salt has washed away from a good rain wishing I lived somewhere warmer.
I'm looking forward to a great fall riding season.
Been wet and humid here most of the summer.
Seems to be some color in the Maple trees.
Glad to hear that you're enjoying tall motorcycle.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

I do like fall riding season I just hate what comes after.
I used to ride all year with heated gear but since I started dialysis I can't get warm enough, even with the heated gear.
My dream life would be live in Missouri or Arkansas in the summer and some place warm (not Florida) in the winter.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

What’s wrong with Florida ?
Yes Disney . But the panhandle is nice.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

hacksaw wrote
What’s wrong with Florida ?
Yes Disney . But the panhandle is nice.
Too flat and the salt is murder on bikes. I like me some hills and roads with real turns in them.
I have a brother that lives in S. Carolina. Their winters are pretty mild.
S.W. Arkansas is not a bad spot either with lots of hills and hollows to run through. Average annual snowfall is 1". Low cost of living as well. Average home is $150,000.00.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Idk about too much salt.
I am not sure florida is that flat out in the panhandle . Anywsy all those interstate miles you put  on baggers over the years wasn’t riding the Dragon .
Tru Arkansas has twisties. You could  be a real Ozark
 Mountain Daredevil! But they got Brown Recluse spiders. And being an old  barn bike picker, Arkansas ain’t for me.
SoCar could be good. You can extend the swing arm on your Buell and be a hit at Black Bike Week!  I would favor Nor Car. It can get sweltering hot in SC. North C is milder and has better seasonal distinction .
If I was a little younger NC is where I would go .
Maybe even Missouri ! But you would have to “show me! “
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

I like the pan handle just fine. I’ve stayed in Narvar a couple times (in between Destin and Pensacola) still mostly flat from what I’ve seen.
If you co inland there’s farmland. I rode down the center of with ol’ CW forum member Bananas on my way to key west.
The central part doesn’t get hit with hurricanes as much but still not for me.

S.Carolina is where I would want a winter home. Maybe N. Carolina is something to look at, if my dreams were to come to life.

Speaking of CW members, I got the chance to ride with a couple of previous members today. ZXR4ME and Doughboy   Headed south, of course, for some bbq.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Is that Terry ? I would have to ride ahead of him. That yellow/green suit would burn my eyes out .
And they are dangerous.
I am all good with added visibility , but all lit up like a carnival, I mean sure , drivers see you , but they can fixiate on you and you become  a target .
Be careful out there.

I didn’t think the panhandle was that flat when I was there . I guess if you stay on the highway it is what it is.
Up toward Georgia line seemed nice. Then again I love farms and peach orchards and pines.
SC I a fairly big state so I imagine one has a pick of various places . Myrtle Beach is nice at night . But freaking hot and humid. NC has the Dragon and Blue Ridge , wheels Thru a time and a nice coast as well .
SC has some crooked politics I think left from its days of being a haven for pirates and slavers.
I don’t know where you get you average home cost from . But both Carolina’s are pushing big retirement developments where ever they can and they aren’t in my price range . I can tell u that. Maybe they got a few trailer parks or backwoods tar paper shacks tossed in to make it appear cheaper.
I would like to a value based on a mean . Or perhaps regional .
Anyway that’s  my problem . I am getting too old to explore . And now I got a platelet problem .
I don’t know how far away I want to be from my youngest when she starts college in Springfield Ma. I want to see her games in spring .
A direct flight from Hartford Ct to maynila Phil’s is 17hours! I can’t sit on a plane that long. So I have to go up grade class to even think about it. Now I already own my farm and I have the MC and a big modern house .
So it’s cheap living . But again , I am kinda stuck with my health plan and my daughter.
I do love pineapples ! And you never had a mango if yiu haven’t had a Philippine mango ! Lol.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Who the hell was Doughboy anyway?
 I don’t remember him.

As to Terry , well , I thought he was my friend.
Why he posted on CW I should stay banned I will never feel very good about .

Hey! I am glad u are getting around!
I spent half the day in bed today and tge other half breaking my back finishing up the railings on my deck .
Weather is turning colder now too. So I need to get out again soon . But as your buddies told you , you are fortunate to be close to good riding . Not me.
I suppose if I went and tried to find Walt it would be nice .
But he is over an hour away and I don’t know how much more than an hour I can get out of my hands and hips. Maybe I need to find out!
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

There were two Vstroms (both 650) a Bandit 1250, Tracer 900 and my Buell.
Terry said he was glad that he brought the 650 for the twisty roads we hit.

Keith, Doughboy was also known as T-34.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)


i want to say i remember him. cant say i recall anything specific. did he say he knew me?
maybe we didnt frequent the same rooms.

doughboy. he isnt the young kid whom got everybody pissed off at him?
there was a guy whom came into the forums, and totally annoyed just about everybody. he didnt stay long.
but i hate to think it was this guy if it wasnt. and i am far from sure.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Yup, that was him. When he joined he was a punk (his words) dirt bike rider who's experience consisted of riding dirt bikes on his dads property. I think he was maybe 15 years old. He's 30 now and not a punk.
He started the Music thread on CW.
Yeah, he knows who you are. Who can forget Hacksaw?

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

I don't remember him ever being called SportRider. Could have. He was Doughboy then cancelled his membership to the forum. Then came back as T-34.
I'm not really sure what happened to Pattimelt. T-34 told me that she had a V-Star 250. I think she ran it into the woods on her driveway and then hung it up.
I'm sure he said something to piss her off. He was pretty good at that. He's learned to use a filter now. Came with age I guess.

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

I can’t believe I remembered that!!!!
Doughboy. Lol. Even his name was dumb azz.
Idk what pattimelt rode. Or tried to ride .
She never made it out of her driveway . She got a ton of slack for being a female.
Which is no big deal in theory . Or as a newbie to riding .
But if I or Hondarider919 did that crash out , we would have been crucified by many members.
My point with her is on the forum is the same as if I knew her in real life. It’s just a matter of credibility.
What I am trying to say is male or female , gets sone miles under your belt before you act like you are best buds on a moto forum
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

Years? I don’t think so .
I mean define years? 2? 3? 10?
She didn’t ride.
Nothing against her as a person . But CW was a motorcycle forum. Not a matter of respect . It was a matter of credibility.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Last Rides - Ride Hard, Ride Short (or Not😉)

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