Millie Vanilli, however you spell it, was 2 guys back I think in the 90s.
They had a hit record.
But it came to light they didn’t write it, didn’t sing it,
everything was a front for some record producer.
They lip synchronized everything.
Word got out and they were ridiculed into oblivion.
Why, I never understood. I mean, plenty of stuff had been done like that. Most big acts, heck, when they did their big hit on TV or whatever faked it.
I dunno. I just liked Nirvana. Most of their stuff.
Here’s another one he got a lot of flack for doing.
Apparently nobody in his circle wanted him to touch it.
Said he was messing with a has been, it was outdated, nobody wanted to hear it. The show was going worldwide,
it was a big deal. Mick Ronson was dead, Bowie was doing dance music. And it was gonna be live!
he told em to f&;k off. 😄
The title cut off another real good album,
all but lost to time.