Total BS.
Ya know I kinda like Indian . Despite DJ6 said on CW, and despite the fact he was right (1901 engine covers are fake narrative) . Having had a 47 chief back when Indians were still everyday riders and actually liking Gilroy scouts and Stellcan? Chiefs, I overlooked the fake heritage claim.
Triumph at least still made bikes under commission until bought out by the current company.
But this is insane!
The wrecking crew? Ok so the FX has been banned by the AMA or Flat Track USA. Or whstever klownz kin this crap .
But at least this “modern wrecking crew”
Call it WC2.0 was racking up FLAT TRACK podiums like no tomorrow.
But calling baggers the wrecking crew makes me sick .
A sick perversion of history of ever there was one.
It’s disgusting. Bagger racing sucks anywzy.
The original wrecking crew kept their bikes as light as possible. The opposite of fkng bags.
What a dishonor to those hero’s of old.
All this is , is, nascar . People today don’t give a shit. It’s what ever the media feeds them .
No knowledge of true moto history. No class. A derivative of the old what have you done for me lately thing.
This is stolen valor. 🤮🤮🤮
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.