Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

oldironnow wrote

That’s a proper chopper.
Me likes.  

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Re: Real Rides.

In reply to this post by Mad4TheCrest
Mad4TheCrest wrote
I think you are right. Pudding Bowl. Maine doesn't have a helmet law but I think this guy was playing it safe?

Yes. Because nothing is safer than pudding bowl helmets.

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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.


Luke is from Wyoming.  Been out there for a few months.  Spent a month or so in Florida with some relatives. On his way up to New York, then gonna head back home thru some Northern States.

The lights he added he said worked real good, he tried not to do a lot of night riding, but could hack it out no problem when he had to.  Said packing the gear was a never ending,
always changing endevor.  Has done a lot of camping, and is kinda looking foward to sleeping on his own bed again.

Hell of a nice guy.  Luke, out there, doing it👍
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Re: Real Rides.


I passed this guy on Route 66 in between the town 5 miles east of my town  When I got into my town I pulled over and waited just to see if he was still heading into town.
 A few minutes later I could see his headlight coming around the bend.
I had to snap a pic.  

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Re: Real Rides.

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
I like the handles on the side cases!

Nice seat pad. Doubles as part of the sleeping gear?

Here's to Luke for being out there on the road!
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Re: Real Rides.

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote

I passed this guy on Route 66 in between the town 5 miles east of my town  When I got into my town I pulled over and waited just to see if he was still heading into town.
 A few minutes later I could see his headlight coming around the bend.
I had to snap a pic.
Good capture. Thank you. I wonder what his story is...
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Re: Real Rides.

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote

I passed this guy on Route 66 in between the town 5 miles east of my town  When I got into my town I pulled over and waited just to see if he was still heading into town.
 A few minutes later I could see his headlight coming around the bend.
I had to snap a pic.
Hey, it don't get much more real than that!  Hats off to the guy.  
I used to live in a place where if the bike was 49cc or less, you could ride it anywhere but on an interstate highway.  No tags, no insurance. No license.
 Screw the man! Just ride!

Good shot FatFat. 👍

Ps....I think they sell those at your local Tractor Supply.  
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Re: Real Rides.

In reply to this post by oldironnow
oldironnow wrote
I wonder what his story is...
When he rode past he gave me a wave and I wanted to stop him and ask how far he came from and how far he was going but he needed all the momentum he had to climb the next hill so I let him be and went on my way into the store.

Beings Route 66 runs through town I see a lot of bicycles and small cc bikes loaded with gear come through town but this is the first I’ve seen one of these little mini bikes coming through.

I think the smallest cc traveler I ever ran across was a Brit on a Honda 70 moped that had broken down and needed some assistance. Several weeks later he sent me an email telling me he made it to CA where he sold the moped and was getting ready to head back home.
He was trying to right a book about his adventure.

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Re: Real Rides.

Probably going to a shift of work somewhere.
Maybe coming home from school.
Those stories get the Walt Whitman Wonder at America going, just as much as the overtly epic journeys.
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Re: Real Rides.

Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Real Rides.

Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Real Rides.

Bracket racing ?

Westside of Milwaukee.
No story.
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Re: Real Rides.

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Re: Real Rides.

Mad4TheCrest wrote
A stretched Vitpilen? Not something you see every day. 😳
With a Cadillac badge near the swingarm pivot...
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Re: Real Rides.

Put some cleats on her and head for the hills.

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