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Re: Racing

no graybeard rode a motoguzzi. he is from waterbury ct.
although i cant say he never raced at bonnie. the gut we want was active racer
 at the time.

i will ask steve
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Re: Racing


Thanks Hack.

I was looking around over there.
I thought they’d have like a 50cc, 70cc,
100cc etc etc World Record for each.

But from what I see it’s like bracket racing.  

The 130 mph club, the slowest class, if you go over
139 on any of your runs you are disqualified.
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Re: Racing

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Re: Racing

Yea . There are world records someplace .
Too many rules for me.  I don’t understand going too fast at Bonneville
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Re: Racing

Fuuuukkkk....... The guy that ran the Weslake single in a lay-back sidecar?

Totally forget his name/handle right now.

Out of the L.A. area.

I even knew it in 2019 when I went to Bonneville. I was looking around for his rig, but he'd left the day before I arrived. The salt was really bad. Wet. Potholes.

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Re: Racing


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Re: Racing

I searched a bit at the landspeed site - maybe "Bill"?
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Re: Racing

From February 2006 CW.

"Hotshots" section

Greybeard Posted on

I greatly enjoyed James R. Petersen’s “Riding the Steel Needle” article-good story-telling and nicely written. But a minor quibble: The film he mentions in which a giant cannon is hauled across Spain was The Pride and the Passion, starring Cary Grant as a Royal Navy officer, 01’ Blue Eyes as the guerilla leader and Sophia Loren as the prize, not El Cid as Petersen states.

Anyhow, in lieu of thanks, I am prepared to accept the role of fact-checker on the next sport-touring event organized by CW. Chris Parry

Corinth, Texas


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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by motogrady
Hoofarted was the member that ran the hack at the flats.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Racing


I called them.

You gotta buy the rule book to see all the classes.

They have 2022 editions left over.
Around 20 shipping included.

Was thinking awhile back……..if this place went legal…..that is business license and all…….as long as anything we do had plastered all over it……that’s advertising, and
it can be written off as an expense to the business.

Just saying.  

Oh, and looking around, seems the record for a 50cc is something like 118mph.
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Re: Racing

well somebody owns this site. the domain maybe in your name but if you quit and the site folds, it will be up for sale by whomever hosts it

what's to stop you from putting stickers on your fuselage?  
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Re: Racing

steve posted the list of CW members just now on facebook group Friends of Cycle World Forums

i didn't see Hoofarted but i just looked quick.
its a long list.

el mirage may not be covered by utah timing association.
utah, they are treating speed trials like its drag racing.
makes little sense to me. the people i hear about go to bonneville to try and break records. one cant break a record and lose by gong to fast. total buellshyt!

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by hacksaw
<quote author="hacksaw">
well somebody owns this site. the domain maybe in your name but if you quit and the site folds, it will be up for sale by whomever hosts it

what's to stop you from putting stickers on your fuselage?

#1, business as usual.  

#2, nothing.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
steve posted the list of CW members just now on facebook group Friends of Cycle World Forums

i didn't see Hoofarted but i just looked quick.
its a long list.

el mirage may not be covered by utah timing association.
utah, they are treating speed trials like its drag racing.
makes little sense to me. the people i hear about go to bonneville to try and break records. one cant break a record and lose by gong to fast. total buellshyt!
I know it’s messed up, but I don’t do FB.

And yes, I totally agree.
I’d want to go to break a freaking record.
Seems to me they’d put every class with the record holder up just for the heck of it.

It’s like, who holds the American 500cc pump gas motorcycle speed record is a big secret or something.  

I still might get the book tho…….
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Re: Racing

i barely do facebook. basically gave up even my own facebook group. but i do know where to find people i want to find. i dont cut off my nose to spite my face.

the list is rather long and idk if i can post it here.

i agree with you on the rest. big secret. wtf?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Racing

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Re: Racing

fairly complete. depending on when steve made the copy. best i can find.

The Highwayman posts were epic. we still dont know who he was.
i accused Fid Hawser since he has the writing ability. but he denied it and i believe him.
maybe edwards?
the darths were good.
the silver spoon mod from the west coast sucked. he is still active on some site.

some of RHATS stuff was good.
the Gixxer wars.
just about anything from the pre registration days (the wild west era)

DJslx. god rest his soul. my friend.
slx was a water cycle thing he had. but people read  his name as slacks.
LOL! and there was a bunch of posts of Hagar pants titled DJ's Slacks.

steve posting his lunch way back before it became a social media thing to do.

cloon posting an outhouse as hondarider919 garage.

yankee sargeant falling off his barstool

oldroadtoad bitching about wire wheels

never to be repeated. long live the memories!

i am still laughing my ass off over dj slacks. this is what? 20 years ago anyway. still the funniest thing this side of the Highwayman.

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
Hoofarted was the member that ran the hack at the flats.
That’s it!
I was walking around telling people i was looking for ‘who farted’.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by hacksaw
Good memories in there, hacksaw!
I can remember zonhonker and 1Kperday, off hand.
And remembering when 1K said he was walking away because he felt it was addictive.
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Re: Racing

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