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Re: Racing

Mad4TheCrest wrote
Interesting, I thought they yanked it from competition because it couldn't match the ZX-6R and R6. Maybe the new SSP rules allowing aggressive tuning on the 600 fours mags a difference. Or maybe they just want a platform again now that it's been a few years since that engine was used in Moto2?
Two very good points.
The Fours are allowed some more mods?
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Just another reason got me not to follow this crap.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
Holy crap.  

DORNA has lost their minds.

I just saw where they are gonna start monitoring tire pressure during practice and the actual race.
All this data will be collected in real time, encrypted,
and sent to the coneheads on the sidelines so they can determine who’s being good and who’s being bad.

If you don’t stay within manufacturers specs,
qualifying laps can be dropped by officials, and
if pressure doesn’t average whatever they say,
during the race, penalties can be handed out.  

Will they ever stop?
It must be coming from Michelin.
Engineering loosing its minds over the carcass.
Legal biting its nails.
I don’t think there’s been any structural failures last season.
Maybe i forget.
Here’s an article from May on the issue.
I think it has good balance between the thoughts of then and the shock of now.
I’m personally of the mind to let the riders run what they want.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by oldironnow
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Re: Racing

Mad4TheCrest wrote
"...The Fours are allowed some more mods?"

The 599cc and 636cc fours are, yes. I think it makes racing them more expensive but it keeps them competitive with the 955cc Ducati twin, the 765cc Triumph and 800cc MV Triples, and in America the Suzuki GSX-R750.
Thanks for the news-to-me.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by oldironnow
oldironnow wrote
motogrady wrote
Holy crap.  

DORNA has lost their minds.

I just saw where they are gonna start monitoring tire pressure during practice and the actual race.
All this data will be collected in real time, encrypted,
and sent to the coneheads on the sidelines so they can determine who’s being good and who’s being bad.

If you don’t stay within manufacturers specs,
qualifying laps can be dropped by officials, and
if pressure doesn’t average whatever they say,
during the race, penalties can be handed out.  

Will they ever stop?
It must be coming from Michelin.
Engineering loosing its minds over the carcass.
Legal biting its nails.
I don’t think there’s been any structural failures last season.
Maybe i forget.
Here’s an article from May on the issue.
I think it has good balance between the thoughts of then and the shock of now.
I’m personally of the mind to let the riders run what they want.
Well, this is motogp right, I can see the hand wringing by legal. But, wtf, collect the data and use it as a defense at a trial if need be.  Stay out of the outcome of the event by penalizing people. There is enough of that, too much imho already.

Drop the freaking tires off on Thursday and let them run.  
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by oldironnow
oldironnow wrote
Mad4TheCrest wrote
"...The Fours are allowed some more mods?"

The 599cc and 636cc fours are, yes. I think it makes racing them more expensive but it keeps them competitive with the 955cc Ducati twin, the 765cc Triumph and 800cc MV Triples, and in America the Suzuki GSX-R750.
Thanks for the news-to-me.
It’s funny, when the AMA decided to sell off AMA Pro Racing
back in, what was it, 2000?, Roger Edmondson, the guy NASCAR appointed to run Roadracing did kinda the same thing.  Different manufacturers were allowed to all of a sudden different bikes in the, how could you put it, big boy class.  CCs were not the measuring stick as what class was what.  

And he was run out of the business.
The factories deserted AMA Roadracing.
And began what was one of the darkest decades of AMA Roadracing.

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Re: Racing

I have zero love for the AMA
As to this tire pressure BS i say dump Michelin
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
oldironnow wrote
Mad4TheCrest wrote
"...The Fours are allowed some more mods?"

The 599cc and 636cc fours are, yes. I think it makes racing them more expensive but it keeps them competitive with the 955cc Ducati twin, the 765cc Triumph and 800cc MV Triples, and in America the Suzuki GSX-R750.
Thanks for the news-to-me.
It’s funny, when the AMA decided to sell off AMA Pro Racing
back in, what was it, 2000?, Roger Edmondson, the guy NASCAR appointed to run Roadracing did kinda the same thing.  Different manufacturers were allowed to all of a sudden different bikes in the, how could you put it, big boy class.  CCs were not the measuring stick as what class was what.  

And he was run out of the business.
The factories deserted AMA Roadracing.
And began what was one of the darkest decades of AMA Roadracing.

Hell's highwater, that was bad.

I think the height of it was allowing the huge Buell to run in 600 SSP? I think?
The rolling starts with a pace-bike was the pit of despair. People got injured in those pre-race wrecks.
It felt like nascar marketing people were running the series.

DMG seems to have been in charge for only six years... but it seemed like FOREVER.  I think it seemed longer, because something seemed to have been off in the AMA world before that.

Car-nimrods taking control at the start of the great recession was doomed to fail.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote

Drop the freaking tires off on Thursday and let them run.
I like that.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Racing

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by oldironnow
oldironnow wrote
motogrady wrote
oldironnow wrote
Mad4TheCrest wrote
"...The Fours are allowed some more mods?"

The 599cc and 636cc fours are, yes. I think it makes racing them more expensive but it keeps them competitive with the 955cc Ducati twin, the 765cc Triumph and 800cc MV Triples, and in America the Suzuki GSX-R750.
Thanks for the news-to-me.
It’s funny, when the AMA decided to sell off AMA Pro Racing
back in, what was it, 2000?, Roger Edmondson, the guy NASCAR appointed to run Roadracing did kinda the same thing.  Different manufacturers were allowed to all of a sudden different bikes in the, how could you put it, big boy class.  CCs were not the measuring stick as what class was what.  

And he was run out of the business.
The factories deserted AMA Roadracing.
And began what was one of the darkest decades of AMA Roadracing.

Hell's highwater, that was bad.

I think the height of it was allowing the huge Buell to run in 600 SSP? I think?
The rolling starts with a pace-bike was the pit of despair. People got injured in those pre-race wrecks.
It felt like nascar marketing people were running the series.

DMG seems to have been in charge for only six years... but it seemed like FOREVER.  I think it seemed longer, because something seemed to have been off in the AMA world before that.

Car-nimrods taking control at the start of the great recession was doomed to fail.
Man, those are some great links.  

I really thought it was gonna work out, but
it was a total bummer.  The lost decade.
Those guys could not, DMG, in the end, run any event,
in any venue connected to motorcycles to save their life.  

I went to the 200 in 2016, and the front runners were
private shops, dealerships and private guys.
Which, in a way, was kinda cool.
No factory within 3000 miles from the place.
But wtf, we’re talking The Daytona 200.
It was a shame.

I wonder if they still pay the AMA, and collect from guys like
MotoAmerica and MXSports.

The silver lining with all that…….DMG won the bid against
Youthstream, the European company that morphed into the guys that now run the FIM Motocross Series.

Saved American Motorcycle Racing and kept it here, yeah they did.
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Re: Racing

Well that’s good. Bcz any organization that doesn’t allow privateers can go to hell.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing

In reply to this post by oldironnow
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Re: Racing

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Re: Racing

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Mad4TheCrest
Mad4TheCrest wrote
"...I think the height of it was allowing the huge Buell to run in 600 SSP? I think?"

As I recall the class was "Daytona Sportbike" and along with the Buell I think an Aprillia Mille v-twin was allowed as well. Ridden by Chaz Davies, no less.

It was an interesting idea meant to bring the maximum brands into the mix. Problem was, it also made some brands look bad either outright (an Aprillia 1000 getting whipped by a 600), or through neutering to be allowed to compete (horsepower balancing). The manufacturers weren't ready to move that far away from the brand lanes yet. Today it seems they are, at least in race classes below Superbike.
Thinking about it Mad4theCrest, it might go back farther, and be a bit more personal than we think.

Back in the 80s, and into the 90s, Roadracing was all but forgotten by the AMA.  
For a few years, there just wasn't a National Championship.  

It was Rodger Edmondson, that went to the AMA and asked if he could form a National Series.  They said they didn't care, weren't gonna mess with it, that they were out of it.
So, he did.  He called it Formula Extreme, Formula V, or something like that.

Well, he built it back up, had the factories participating, and all seemed good.

Then, the AMA said we're getting back in, and started their own RR series.
Well, the factories went back to AMA, and most of the guys running Rogers series followed
suit.  I mean, who wouldn't.  An AMA Champion, heck, you won one of those your name was mentioned with the likes of Mann, Reswerber, Lenord, Nixon.
They were all past AMA Champions.  Great riders.
Formula Extreme?  What the heck is that?

So, Roger sued.  For damages.  Said the AMA had gone back on their word, after he
had put a ton of money, effort and time into his series.  And it was because of the AMA
his series folded.

And Roger won. Millions of dollars Roger won.

He got so much out of the AMA it almost put them out of business.
Heck, I was racing AMA Dist. 7 Motocross at the time.  And got a letter from the AMA telling us their side, and how bad it was, and how they were going to try and stay afloat.

Well, Roger became person non grata, as far as bikes were concerned.
He was The Bad Guy.
And he disappeared right after the case was over, hired almost immediately by guess who,

Fast forward about a decade and poof,
AMA executive leadership is purged and rebuilt.
AMA Pro Racing goes up for bid.
And who ends up getting it?

Daytona Motorsports Group.  

And who does DMG install as head of AMA Pro Racing?

Big bad Roger.  The guy that caused all that grief a few years back.

Was it the class structure, the rules he wanted/tried to install that killed his and NASCARS
chance at really running American Roadracing?

Maybe so.

But, motorcycle people can be a fickle, somewhat clannish lot, that don't forget.

And really, who wants a guy that f+=$ed us, coming back in, telling us how to be
with his.......his 4 wheeled NASCAR buddies anyway?

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Re: Racing

Fuk the AMA !
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing


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Re: Racing


To the guys that used to be on the old CW forums site……
who was the guy that used to run The BonnievilleSalt Flats?
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Re: Racing


dont remember his name. he ran RE Bullets.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Racing


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