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Re: Seen at the Dealership

motogrady wrote
motogrady wrote
If anyone is interested I got a call last night.
Buddy of mine has a line on and older guy on his 90s that has an 80s Goldwing trike.
The deal was then they chopped off the rear basically and put 2 wheels and tires on it.
It was some kind of kit. .
I think he said it was a 1500cc.

Don’t know the miles, no pics as of yet.
Clear title.
He asked if I’d put it up here.
He is supposed to get that stuff tonight, (he doesn’t do internet, so he’s gotta wait on his wife to do it, 🤷‍♂️).

He’s talking 5k.  

I get the stuff I’ll put it up.

A bit more on this GW trike.
41,000 on the clock.
It’s an ‘88.
Fuel injected.
The conversion was done using the Factoy Honda Kit.
The gentleman’s wife passed, he’s going thru his paperwork
looking for the title.  It’s hard. But it’s there. Worse case he gets a duplicate.
He had 2 of them.  
The guy that bought the 1st one threw a battery in it and rode it home.  Both were maintained well.
The 2nd one should do the same.

Anyone interested just get me.
Hey Grady, I might be interested. Do you know if it has reverse?
Thank you for the help.

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Re: Seen at the Dealership

Fatfatboy wrote
motogrady wrote
motogrady wrote
If anyone is interested I got a call last night.
Buddy of mine has a line on and older guy on his 90s that has an 80s Goldwing trike.
The deal was then they chopped off the rear basically and put 2 wheels and tires on it.
It was some kind of kit. .
I think he said it was a 1500cc.

Don’t know the miles, no pics as of yet.
Clear title.
He asked if I’d put it up here.
He is supposed to get that stuff tonight, (he doesn’t do internet, so he’s gotta wait on his wife to do it, 🤷‍♂️).

He’s talking 5k.  

I get the stuff I’ll put it up.

A bit more on this GW trike.
41,000 on the clock.
It’s an ‘88.
Fuel injected.
The conversion was done using the Factoy Honda Kit.
The gentleman’s wife passed, he’s going thru his paperwork
looking for the title.  It’s hard. But it’s there. Worse case he gets a duplicate.
He had 2 of them.  
The guy that bought the 1st one threw a battery in it and rode it home.  Both were maintained well.
The 2nd one should do the same.

Anyone interested just get me.
Hey Grady, I might be interested. Do you know if it has reverse?
Thank you for the help.
I’ll find out Kirk.

Had a good conversation about the Goldwings.
Apparently they first came out as a kind of Superbike.
They then morphed into touring bikes.  
There were a few years, before they went aluminum frame
that had big issues with frames rusting out.
The alternators if they went  were a big deal to replace.
Some guys found a way to mount a car alternator on them.

I was told now is the time to buy them.
You can get them on the cheap.
The generation before me, the early boomers, it’s them that
had the disposable income to buy and really use them.
But alas, a lot of those guys are dying off,
or just cant handle the size. Or are just over it.

Hell, the 4 wheeler side by sides, where you take the old lady for a ride, puttin around the farm for an hour seems to be the hot thing right now.

Ya, from what I hear, right now,  early 60s
Honda Dreams, Honda Hawks, are bringing crazy money.

10, 20 years from now, when the bulk of
The Goldwings will have rusted away out back behind the barn, will be money in the bank.

Or so I’m told……
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Re: Seen at the Dealership

i lost money on gold wing stuff.
the original GW was pretty fast. i remember them having water pump issues.
nice ones go for moderate but i suppose decent money.

the problems with old wings is honda made so many evolving changes in them that its a bitch to know what stuff fits what.
i had a pile of goldwing parts. many new in the box. i couldn't sell them. to find that one person whom needed that one particular part for that one particular year and model just didn't happen. finally i sold it all to some guy who was supposed to reimburse me for shipping. and he didn't. i sold him the parts so cheaply the shipping was more than the cost of them.
the one time i trusted a buyer and got burnt. but i just wanted to get rid of the stuff. needless to say i also ate the original cost of buying the parts in the first place.
live and learn.

so wings are out there. and they are relatively cheap. i dont think any of them will appreciate much in the future except super clean originals.  unless one is a total wing head it aint easy being green!


Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Seen at the Dealership

In reply to this post by grado
the reason the 305's you mention bring good money is becuz guys had them  or remember them as kids.
like me!!!!!!!!!
but i still thing the Dreams suck.
but to stay on point, even though restoring a super hawk will likely cost you twice what you can sell it for, the bikes are generally smaller and simple and are a reasonably size project.


the boat goldwings that were generally ridden by grown men whom dont have the same nostalgic look back at middle age machinery as they maybe looking back at their bikes of their teens and 20's. matter of fact many of these GW owners were once and perhaps future 305 owners.
i wouldn't expect to make huge profit on a GW.
they are a much bigger project than 305. as a result they aren't being restored en mass quite like the Hawks. thats what fueled the 305 market.
all that said, a 1988 GW might be
 cool if its clean and not over done with gizmos and touring crap. but it is 35yo . making it more of a parade bike or for casual sunday jaunts .

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by motogrady
motogrady wrote
The smell of green grass, fresh air…….and Sunshine.
Optimism abounds.
As with this one.

Watched the young guy pull up next to me at Micky Dees.
He struggled to find neutral before shutting it down.
“A CX500?” I asked.

“Yeah.  Just got it. It’s an 85. Just started here.  My first real job, and first ride.  Bought it off my Dad.”

Like a new father beaming down on his newborn Son, I joined him as I worked on a Big Mac with fries and a coke.

“I’m thinking about getting it painted Red. Maybe some handlebars that rise a bit.  Not apehangers, just higher.
A single seat, but I dunno about that.”

Glancing at him for a moment as he held his helmet, enjoying the few minutes he had before his shift started,
I saw the joy on his face.

Hell, the liquids leaking from the radiator, I thought,
the liquids dripping down the side of the cases,
the aftermarket rats nest of wires under the seat, yikes,
but I said nothing.

I mean, it’s Spring!
Optimism abounds!

Hey Hey Hey…….remember this guy?
Went by the same McDonalds today.
Noticed his bike in the parking lot, and just had
to take a look.

Apparently he still has the job, he’s got the bike working,
cleaned it up,
and wa la, it’s a Sunny day in West Virginia!

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

Great to see he is still at it and improving.

I've been looking at the Goldwings. Other than Harley's they are the only bikes who's value is retained. The trikes are actually higher than the Harley's when looking at the mid 2000's and later.
Once you get into the 90's the values drop considerably.

If this knee is going to be a long term issue I'm thing a trike and a sidecar would be perfect.

Anyone want to buy a chopped 55 F100 hot rod

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by grado
well i dont remember anyone besides steve whom rode one of these guzzi clones. and his he painted with bed liner.
so i am sorry for not recalling. if he/she is recovering from some mishap, i am glad they are on the mend.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
sure i would like to buy it. details please? love me old pick ups!

goldwings. i just dunno. a friend bought one new new a couple of years ago. had it for maybe a month and traded it in on a new electra glide.

used prices must be a supply and demand thing. there just isnt that many late year GW's around. at least not around me. conversely Electraglide derived bikes are everywhere.
one would have to research by model specifics. what gld wing is equal to  FLTCIUSE. or what ever levels each bikes platform was available
i dont know.
i do know there is a wide variety 0f harley dressers of all ilks around. i dont often see a gold wing.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

hacksaw wrote
sure i would like to buy it. details please? love me old pick ups!
Its a F100 with a 90's 460 motor and C6 auto tranny. Has Ford 9 inch rear end and aftermarket Mustang II front end. Aftermarket AC/heat, power steering, brakes, windows and driver seat. Interior is painted yellow with black carbon door panels, back wall panel and headliner. Has a gas cell under the wood bed. Widened fiberglass fenders to fit the wide Cragers with spin-offs.
Has rear air adjustable shocks.
Paint is flat black with a slight texture to it.
It is a burnout machine. Backend is light so the rear tire spins like a mother.

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

Seen this 1988 rig on eBay that has my interest.

Owner says it’s got 47000 miles with a fresh rebuild with 10:1 compression and torque cams.
I like that it’s an Evo motor.
He has only had it a year but it was owned by a best friend for 10 years.
It’s not a TLE car and he’s not sure what the manufacturer is.
Unfortunately it’s in Tennessee and ends Sunday so I can’t see it before bidding ends
Walt, any questions to ask the guy?

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Ok. Lol.
Well thought out truck.
But as they say , if one has to ask the price , one can’t afford it.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Doesn’t look bad . Too bad you can’t sit on it. Both my 82 and my 91 were a little bit on the tall side. The newer ones  have  a lower revised center frame section
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Hey Kirk,
The key is how well the sidecar is attached to the motorcycle. It would be nice to see a pic. of the attachment.
And then how well does it handle.
Head shake can be a problem. Alinement effects handling as does tire pressures.
Ask how well it goes down the road with and without someone in the sidecar.
Looks like a nice rig, is it a California Friendship? Texas?
Good Luck!

The more I look at it, the more I like it.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

Thanks Walt.
He said he has had it up to speed with just groceries and such but the previous owner, who is a friend, ran his daughter in it from age 10-15 without any issues.
He said the car was set up professionally.

Doesn’t know the manufacturer. He has seen it on other rigs but not sure who made it.
It has a canopy for it behind the seat.

Sounds like he bought it from a friend to flip it.

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
Doesn’t look bad . Too bad you can’t sit on it. Both my 82 and my 91 were a little bit on the tall side. The newer ones  have  a lower revised center frame section

Height shouldn’t be an issue as I don’t plan to take the hack off. My plan is to use it to haul the dog to work, she’s spoiled rotten, and do two up rides.

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

If you get a sidecar rig I'd recommend getting the "Yellow Book" How to drive a side car.
All the skills that make us good bike riders will not work driving a sidecar rig.
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

I read the yellow book before I bought my last sidecar back in 2000. I sold it on eBay when I was down with it. A refresh may do me some good.

Bidding ends today on the 1988 rig and I’m currently the highest bidder.

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

You won the auction?

Well played!
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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

Yes and thank you. One more bid from another member and I’d lost it. I had my dollar amount set and figured if it went over that it wasn’t meant to be.

It’s a 10 hour drive so I’ll have to wait until Saturday to pick it up.

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Re: Seen at Newcomb's

Fatfatboy wrote
Yes and thank you. One more bid from another member and I’d lost it. I had my dollar amount set and figured if it went over that it wasn’t meant to be.

It’s a 10 hour drive so I’ll have to wait until Saturday to pick it up.
I think you're gonna like it.
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