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Re: Fatboy’s rig

WTF? Vstroms are no longer v twins?
What crap!😬
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by whatarush
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by hacksaw
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
WTF? Vstroms are no longer v twins?
What crap!😬
It is a 1037cc v twin.

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Re: Fatboy’s rig

Well that bike is uglier than hell !
The V twin 650 is much nicer imho
The vertical 800’s? Suck
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

hacksaw wrote
Well that bike is uglier than hell !
The V twin 650 is much nicer imho
The vertical 800’s? Suck
The 650's are just as ugly IMO but like Mad said, Terry seems to like his 650 over the big boy and another old CW member, Doughboy, has a 650 Vstrom and loves it. Must be something to them.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

No doubt . The guy across my street had one . A 650 in red . Bought it new early in their production run . He is sick and no longer can ride . His bike was better looking than these later ones.
I am so over full black finishes on frames and motors .
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig


Here’s one guys.  
Lunch at a Burger King in North Central
West Virginia, this was in the parking lot.  

The guy just took it out of storage, he was back in Italy where his dad lives for this past year.  
Said he had to go to Kentucky to get a red one, loves it,
and there are tons of em where his dad lives.
7 dollars to fill it.  100mpg.

 Riding gear…..sandals, a pudding bowl, cheap sunglasses, and shorts.  

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Re: Fatboy’s rig


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Re: Fatboy’s rig


I asked him how much to buy one new, in Kentucky.
Last year, $7,800.  
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by grado
Did you mention the cc?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by grado
Girlfriend wants a vespa but doesn’t like the new ones.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

I have to agree with her. The new Vespas look too much like the Chinese scooters.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig


Looks fine to me.
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig


Came across Paul out of Mountain View staring at his BMW in a swale wedged-up sideways against an embankment on Hwy 152.

I helped him get back upright and on-road.

He said he heard a horrible clanking noise and immediately figured the driveline was failing, so he pulled off in a bad spot and lost his footing.

I followed him into town behind a billowing cloud of BMW synthetic (from the sideways-leaning time), discussed the mysterious noise, then parted.

Shortly he texted to say he had a flat and had pulled a six inch duplex nail from the rear. I met him again and we affected a plug.

Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

u are a good man.

way too big of a motorcycle for me to even contemplate riding. i would buy a convertible if i had to have all that wind protection. and all that electronics. i mean why bother to risk this inconvenience or even worse on 2 wheels?
Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

Thank you for being a good person, Mr. Iron.

You meet some of the best folks behind bars.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by hacksaw
hacksaw wrote
u are a good man.

way too big of a motorcycle for me to even contemplate riding. i would buy a convertible if i had to have all that wind protection. and all that electronics. i mean why bother to risk this inconvenience or even worse on 2 wheels?
Thank you for the compliment

I agree on the size/strength ratio imbalance.
It occurred to me helping him.
Someone here was chatting about the need to move into manageable bikes.

He kept saying how gassed he was doing the lifting and plugging, and he had this hematoma swelling where he banged his shin in the fall. He wouldn’t go to urgent care, so i said come over to my house for leg-icing and compressed air for the tire.

He got his strength back after awhile, and he eventually agreed that returning to Mountain View was better than pushing on to San Luis Obispo.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

In reply to this post by Fatfatboy
Fatfatboy wrote
Thank you for being a good person, Mr. Iron.
Too kind, but thank you.

I have a lot to make up for.
Choose to Ride. Supports splitting everywhere.
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Re: Fatboy’s rig

This post was updated on .
It’s crazy . But he is lucky u came along.
Times are crazy. When i was a kid , these were the kind of AMA types that looked down on riders like me. I guess those attitudes have changed?
I wouldn’t have left him on the side of the road. But if he wasn’t bleeding to death and had a cell phone and in contact with someone I may have then split. I commend you for going the extra mile.
People should understand just bcz they have the money to buy in , they need a plan for just in case.
I haven’t gone anywhere lately , but if I do I may get the AAA motorcycle membership . And it’s always a good idea to ride with another buddy when off on a longer ride.

Inflation belongs in your tires.
Not in your grocery bill.
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